Nuhou, Volume II, Number 21, 7 October 1873 — "A Nations Sacrifice of Honor [ARTICLE]

"A Nations Sacrifice of Honor

To maiiioion is a ster» toward.s ruln. Anl w..ētatcs l.ieeoiae li "t k the lawe." We eopy thesc words fro: j tU- CVmercial Kelaiiun» of 1372. froru 111e al»Ie r of Mr. P. S. Po6t iQ; treating of Aastr.x: a ■ liow poiotediy thej appiy t j Hawaii at t!«t= Our govetnmerit teeonilj traeriSce*3 hon«.»r with .t'. abjectQebb of whippcd cure } uod are eoolen' * aeeepl any umouul yf kiek- ol . - that thej eaa draw t'aeir pay in anJ a* SV spiiit of tae raiscr iā at the Lea«l of ani ;«• tae eliaiaettr'of tue eyvra?d i> mvar>ably > - teu wita that ōpirit. the corrupt 6peeulal;.r , tl iauiguer, the uullj, apel tlie law breaker oie . "vited by weakue»» to have ttnrir own wav,aa-l 1: • fed with 6oj« from t{ie puhiie eri?> tj keep V peaee. But by and by, the misei"ly eoiapronii ?- ' acd do Qothing teuijH.»rißis witl huve atioth'-r •. oa their handb, aad tlfcv uuy not fare well - i thej did lately ; atid thea it wLII beeeea» tlv..'. | wheu ineii iu authoritv eonsent t;> u <?acri2ce <-•' j honor for mammon's ,*ake, thev ar-.' ■ | couQtrj on it§ wav to

FoilowiDg is the programinē of au?i • 4| the Hotel ground? !iy thē Hawaliaa Band for Thursdoj evenīng oext._ eight o'elook ; Gambriaas Marci»...... *«-| t .£.*•* Overture, Opera, 41 Brooze lJor*e,'" A Hotxie āsreet Ilome» $»:\g ».y . L . - - ■ ....... OM' *-* \/ I*4RT U. sseiectk>n, o[>era, '* te Pre alix Clect s. ,Ha : . > The Mail Carricr ia the Wqo ls t EeUo Pie0e........ <^ou^ r: - 1 Air Gavotte X ■ * Qu:vin"e y TMvr