Nuhou, Volume II, Number 22, 10 October 1873 — The Quasi Government Paper [ARTICLE]

The Quasi Government Paper

Is ovidentty worried becjiusc it misseJ euo job, tho printing oi the propoeed eoastitutiouul ;\meudmcntp. But why eliouU it \vorrj, wliikt it holiie on to the Gover»meut •' TraJe M;uk," it ealls it, and publiebes whutever tliere is to be saij by autbority, There ,is one thing it n«jgleeted by the w;>y in itt> " Authority " eolumu, It onght tc ! ave jniMishe<3 that letter to the iautitKvre uuvJ by the Jliuister ef Wai ūs •• Uy .\utherity ofthe MusiLHvre." ! ' ■ ]