Nuhou, Volume II, Number 24, 17 October 1873 — Cattle Driving. [ARTICLE]

Cattle Driving.


Edxtor Nuhou Being a stranger. wc see here mueh to adiuirej mueh tbab is new to us, aod eome tbings that eoem ratber strange; We bave 'a great averBion to airiog oar ignoranee; and being told you are an authoritv on matters generally s we have .veatured to put down our views in wriUng hoping tliereby to get them in shape with some reply in print and send it to ouf folks in York State, and just show them they do nr;t know everything. What we are drlving at is tlūs t wo Snd tbe tjeef and mutton very good ia tlūs countryj we may say eseellent. but we are tdld the dryi weatber is playing the deuce with bee! eattle tbat j the meat is not eo and that the butehers have to use the itock taised oa this | lsland in pre(efence to tlmt brought in on schoon-| ers from other islaods; so that they ean drive them in|htive them weH beateo, heated and has!ied before killingj now is" t-hie so ? It seems to us there is something ia 5 it. We ean meatioa one Instance where we notieed ten bead of falr looking oxen, whieh had seen some service in the plow and waggon, being brought into town by SffeeeQ able bodied men; all xnounted 5 epurs with belle, long whipe and long ropeB s the men galloping, \vhips eraekīng, aod the poor eattle with tongues out, hardly able to vatse a ru» ov look wild, although every e®rt wa§ used to make: them appear 60. I Seeing a very respeetable iooking man near by (whōwe thought was waiting for the whaltQg tleet to eomo m) r we took the liberty of addres«ing him as follows : My dear, Sir, where are these eattle from? Where are they going to? And wby ate 80 many men driving and abusing them ? Eyeing us in a seifti-sympathetic manner and with the greatest deUbēratioo (every body is deliberate here) eaid 5 They are wild cattle (or they are trying to make thaoi sd) brought from the other side of this island fbr the butehers ; the weather hae boen so dry of late āod the beef eo very tough, that lt ie rieeessary to heat, beat anel batter them belore being killed. They are now being driven down to a point where they eaa have all the brackish water they ean drink f and if they don T t burst at onee, may make most escellent beef. M We asked him if he wquld smoke, he bowed. We thea said, leaving out eruelty to*aaimale, tbc blood is streamiog from them s und thefir ekiuo are all cut s he with the §ame dcliberatioo as afte? blowing eeouple of puffs of in our fl\ee, said s c< th\t made oo differ* enee, they sold the hideB green.** We merely said, we hoped thcre would be 27 whaleships faerc this fall and left, If the facts are as oue iriend stated and we have no reason to think he was tryiog to sell us (although there tfar* trade in 'him.;' we eould see that when we said whaleehipe) what amount of humbug then ia ih other countries; tllo woutd make you believe their beef would be unCt fer use under sueh treatment. On the other hand, ifwehave beeri 4 Uttlebit gulled, we mn ooly say, what amount of labor is lost in this eountry # We refer to Gfteeh mm driviog to death ten head of tame buUoekB, for tve have a boy āod he ie oot Bmart would have dooe the job without beatiog tho beef or euttiog the hides f with perhapsa ehein mule, ooe spur with betl6, and laeeo—thc latter !oōks—your opiai noo ttiīs matter wili eonfer a favor oo A ,Cv

P. S.—You will observe that in our writing! we U3e the plural we, from tbe fict that tberc are J three of us in the firm, wife, son and eclf. Thc! two former work the farm and raise the produce,, while the latter disbur6es the proeeeds. A. S. j We must say to our correspondeDt, that for ► haif a dozeu wild men to be aroundone tame bul- > ioek, aud tryiug to get up au eseltement wlth iougdpurB aud jingling bells, and with whirlīng the air, is a diversioQ Jear to the waiiau heart, anu eneouraged by want of enterprise iu a and want of a 6ystem in a i people. We think our correspondent"ō informaut was banteriug a little; but we mast say . therc is uo loss to the buteher 3 in harrying beef. aud if it 13 to be ealted, it will keep all the better aftcr a week'e agonj of hunger, The people iu York State may be overly niee a"bout their rueat aud interest themselves iu market inspectiou; but we ha?e a miaitjtcrial government with; a lot oi csceUeucies that cannot to ■ lopk after our ehopa and rump steaks. But that's ' just what ought to be dono, and thc market eup-; piy of this citv ought to be watched a.> vigilantlj as a sugar or whaiing intereet