Nuhou, Volume II, Number 24, 17 October 1873 — The Fire Department [ARTICLE]

The Fire Department

Turned out Wednesday eveniog with their .. promptitude, a'nd had there heen a bountīfu' sz'i p!y of vrater, they b'Ave ?aved more t!ian th-\ did, As it wa? } by $b. 2 ge"!ting a ?ueti"<r\ fr" " a pond nenr the burn'lng premises s tlas go-;»d t * ! gine was enabled to dave t ! :e makal b "«u^. Wh -- | the bead of wnter frotn tbe bydrant? w |it was too feeWe to be of mueh ?erviee: ar ? vr • |observed tbnt tbere w?,? a ?er!:'Us fbvdrant>- |*- ; - '

2F* Tae two respectaluo weeklics :,iv Ing about thc rublic printir.g t an>l ato oola tr : ing to throw an obso!cto oEolal niantle ea too\ * othcr's sfcouldcrs- |Wc thiok tlmt would scrvc puWie ioterests fulij, anJ $avc tj..-I own dignity considerab]j bj plaoiog t!?eir aut*«o itatiTe uttcrnnces in thc eoluuni:? ef Uie trulj dcpcndcnt Nrnoc; anJ thcn let t:»c two officcs contcnJ thoy Vost eao f:r t'ie 'jobs conncctctl with Court!?, Eiuealioo* i'\; ! Legfe!ation. T!ie rojal arms s wou!d n;t out of plaee in t!:c £olumns of thls ioura;\l; f, its ?cribc is one, t!ntt 6pcaket!: ene "authority '

;5T llio Rev. Sjdaej Smlch tLere bc no improYcmcnt iu ret?peet to Ihe coastiucti. ■: of English rallwaj untii a buhop Ui bcca roaatcd alke iua-Io of one; and so we cannot liope re* auj gtcat ioiproveaieiit * watcr until & Uousc le:.. buxacd down ; but \vc do uot wuli tlic to bc iosi4c at the timc* as we wouli p:eic: . Ului m tlic eoUuun* oi tlie -

YTe kuow ūot tUe autUot tb.c a;~113u. •' S!iroudi Ime uo pockcti," but trut'a i.s t. palpa'ok that it ttiikcs tcrtor iuto t!ic heiii tilC *SVillull \\ IiCU uC tLuUaS Vl 11 Not CC; dolhr ot uicacj, uot ,oac acrc cf haa, ao: -e. siaglc wapaaioa of, worMts |ica;urc; eau ? canj wilii uie. UoU cot tucsUauarl .f v\". at tl*c gravc »s Cvirtliij .1. aot catailed for ia tlic olLcr wotld. •W. biougbt aoU>it>4 »uk> t!ns irotld, aal U is vra aa.cstfQf v Wt." U;.\tui aal 1 mUUoaaiK aw alike jxqaU.css 'p tuc grivo