Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 4 November 1873 — Neither New nor Old [ARTICLE]

Neither New nor Old

1« the • yoogtaphlcHl aufilioritv wl>icii our nelghbor of the Friend puhliehe* m respeot to £\«,cift6 diBeo\erie-. We are astoniebed that on «aeh ;vri iinperfecl evideace, aud without ptaper eonmdet;*:ion of other evideoees ou the <>ur Bhould c6aspkcefitly my t " Wit;> vh< t> meolioiied map* ljlng beforc u*. ;in«i wha' pre7lousiy bēēn puh!ished from ,uuhorme*. ue aiu6( iolei' tbat Capt. Cojk did di&»-c*tr thL- group ofislands. ,, Thw -tateiaerH I. all l-he maie vemarkābl'e 'when "ha sajs thai in Ms saewly dig-?ovin s eā "I«atin aii*fcori;v !*o 41 fiad nnv :tH-jMarkB ih thc- textrelatifty; %o ;Lcne ĪBlrir;d6. M No» "oor will vcm lind "*? 1 9f fh<*in %rsy wh-jra eke, in v«'rUten work before . day 01 Cook. Not a tine. We dcfy you to produce 'a' word uf evidence n» *u*nuu tlie utterly testimūny of t-he charfc. Whnt i'gnor;wv:e of the mibjee£ to be paruding nume* of -uppo»ed i»!and-r una of 1711, when all -vh<» '?aVe ??tudiel Ehe cubj?ot, know that ehe wn** ;Uledged di veie prJ:ilifi!ied bj ■ ftoujii*iirt in 1561»; and eler*ri\ 6et ibrtli in . fh* fc Vojage >M tL( Ce&turuii published in 171 f J. Xhe fc c iala iid6j -Ame ima ō i»try like »Sauta UiKiWi ;ind mae ietil Jila .Roca Partida, a»d k* Oisgraciada wevr tamilii?r to Oook, and to ail t!i<* well iofbruied oavigutors uf Im daj. Ther«- £*?!;? ;trr eleari)' iaid down m oue of \e)>oi?\v chartt, and in the ueighborhood <»r thc ' \raeriean Cr.ntiui?nt♦ xleir thoy-'are uou be Sound. and U will ! -r- re^ircu v d ?.j , I ;crutrv bv atuQ v of I*acifi« v di*eovrr\ iin a!>aurd ;!HSiunp* tion \hat what% t- u lil ea'! llie l.t Me&i group of Oaet<in > wen- *-v»t e».'UMdcved r«.* idei.UiCiil with ;hiK d;.M--..rr K- ; ! * v < j">tnni -hune^ Co,)k *•<'** U « i; d «;! Hn: ??i.Xieeiitii as welj ot ;he v.vci)lcentii «x-nbaj di;<t repeat thesc Vhr chnrt of |74ī* th\tt eheM ; t eopy ft\»m one in ihi) -) l /i Spoi3ī>h Middlcton\s (*cography ot 1777 a'?.j tlie riiini k name> a> fouud iu onr neig?»l>'»rV | ( min ;u:tij'u'itv ; w> tliat īt is ]nothhig new ; and tln»t lt «.* uoi old. wc are as--jnired 'when we reR 1 {{■ Kamu>ioV aeeouiie of Oaetano % j? voyage p'ub!isaed in 156;), whie»! h 148 veats before our neighborVbook. Thie })Q quoted in the Bibliographie Ilawaienne i? ea-, ritied %i Terxa editiouc delle navigattom v viaggi | racolii gia da Ciov;*nui Batti6to>, V. m -Jo,! Ciunti, 3 vol in f-> \ CaetaßoV U i-o he found | in 10110 375 of that work. Iteajsthat Gaetauo saiiing from IV»rti» Sanio on AH Sainte I)av a, d. 1542, di*eovered a &mall group near the Coastj of Central Americu iu. 10° N T>, And then, quōfciug from (Jae(ai:o, we liud VkOrcL? : ,s D'iudi partendo al et quarta di garbin poaente piu di cinquanti leghe poeo piu o iiianeo, e{ tru>*ammo altre i>ule. alle quali pereh( ue parveiu verdi et, belle, ponemmo.lor nome /7 yforrfini ct *<tauno j nell' aītc2ZH po piu o mmt» die le dette delli et >tsf p:dmi t iltri arboi\ " Ae.! Tbeneo de|wirti ng ue >saikd weeter!y >uiar tifty | league§ more or , i»ud we found ollk.i' isl«' andw f t»t whieli " j u ;«evx»un.J <d iheii' greeun«*.ss aud ] Vvaity. wi- £i\r tI:t v name of thc (iardens, aud tln x y -1 »'!ned ;o have :>r, *s« iike ' «.>!" tm« Cova( (»ronpAii'l !!n i,, e «<re thr iI 1 \K>a t»roup t !H!arii\v !ike Koe;< 1 11 d* Socorro and 'h' i i".. ( un ''»• tl ■ \nurivnn e.\isf ; m - ■! - - *i : V

fcw hupdred f»re(: ; whieh siuce uāmed with wryorthograpi;y have bccu talked of and pul forward as idcnticiil with the great, rugged, lofty, vok'uLic īiawaiian I?lands by supcrficial student? uf the ?übjeet. wfuo 5-ce:n from their peisisteiice un littlc or no foundation to have .-ome other motive bcside« tryi«g t«« th- tvnth \>f &ee>£*iii'bira! di«Povery.