Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 11 November 1873 — Let us Prepare [ARTICLE]

Let us Prepare

For the great American Centetinial Celebration at Pbiladelphia in 1876. America will have a wonderful eshibition to make of v?hat ehe hae ? accomplißhed in one bundred jeare, einee ber j eolonia) daye; and we migbt ehīpw mueh that is - intere6ting of product and ciyilizatio.D, einee our j 6avage daje. Captain Cook eame here about two j jeare after the Declaration of lndependence, and peihapa our Centennial In 1870 migbt ehow ae re-! markable cohtraete in isome difierencee of condi-. tion, as the Philadelphia Centennial will ahow in j reepect to America, But in one respect, we wlil no doubt preeent a humili.atipg» whilBt the United < States will present a triumphant coatraet. The . Great Eepublic wiil bave advanced in her hundred : yeare irom three to forty*fiye millione of people;: whiiet we will liave deciined from about three | hundred thoueand to ibrtj-five thoueand eoule. I Oh, painiul, eaddening, and humiliatiDg reflec- j tion! And jet, JliDietere and Chiefe, and People , eat and driok, make merrj and are eonteni,as' though their countrj wae prosperoue, and thelr' naiional life well aeeuredt j But it ie not our purpoee to indulge in jeremiadB at thie tjme; but to urge government and! people to prepare to put forward their beet foot, | and ehow their bt*t eide, at the Creat CentenniaL Let ue make, not a grand aud iuipoeing ehow,! at leaet au interestmg dieplaj or what we have— of our eugar, wool, rice, pulu and other pro-j duct«i of our treee and plante, in the forme ofj furniture wooOe, £)bree, gume, tautiine cr djee; t of our remarkable jarietice of ferne; of our f rocke, £ehce, bird*% ehelle, arid moeeee; of our. litmture aml manufactures; aud though !aet, by m means leaet, of our admirable Band. s awan maj inake a moet notable impreee4on 011: that and dispel eome of the groee kno- f rance 5n re?peci to her, 'euch ae ie cxh!luted in. an artie!e from the New York Htra!<ī diecueeed. iDanother eoliimn, And Ameiiea maj diecovcx tbat thie pin-head kingdom," hae an and an intelligence th.\t ;\,re euil\ient for ile iudependenee whieh deeerves to be re*pectcd