Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 18 November 1873 — Our Late Military Mutiny [ARTICLE]

Our Late Military Mutiny

Meets \vith an osact parallcl, according to the seini-official o;*gaD of the GoYerDmcxit in a mutinj of New York Statc Miiiiia, wben the regiment # N. Y, S. Nalional Guar<3, having insulted its comjnander and t otherwige aeted disorderlj, was promptlj diearmed and piaeed under arrebt bj Brigadier General Funk. There is indeed quite a strong i: 6imilaritj Tas the organ eaje 44 in the tvaj in whieh the mutinj occurred, and the mutipeers were dealt with in New York and in Honoliilu." Bot h militarj !brees kuocked down their e6mmanding officere, and eet puhlie authoritj at defiance; aud the New York troops were disarmej and disbaodedby a Gcueral Funk, and 80 were ope disbanded after we had be<&i regaled bj a general funk of ministerial inea-, paeitj,; Bat we donft think it will do to pursue thei parallel anj farther, at? \ve eee t:omc dight eauscs of |n the two eases, when we tluuk ol j our Mini6tcr War 4 t humhle, abject letter iof j warrante torn up bj of the criuuuals fiuV ject to arrest;; and of mini6terial iu the demaud ot our mutii|ieers to kot ihar aiandontd vuarkrj arutpiliqyi ihe chtsis if thdv loyal comrad(s in arms. A parallel ease f a Dealt with in a eimjilar waj ! Honolulu like unto New York in ihe waj mutinj ! Oh,, Lord ? Oh» Lo|rd 1 j |