Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 18 November 1873 — "The Brown Races are Dying Away. [ARTICLE]

"The Brown Races are Dying Away.

I An4 caunot bear the contact of civilizatioLi." ,>6O &dy all the evil prophets—b.ut thiß oot a , prophesy, it is a wieh. Whj Bhould the brown | SkuiB (lie iuore than the white or s the hlaek skins? ! iiut we deov that it is the fate of the brown to die off, and oalj the white blaek to live. It is iooliBhne66 to saj so, simplj , heeauee the native hrowa racee are djihg in parts iof But iook at Asia and Malaysia, , where there are more brown people than all the : whitee and the hiaeka in the world put together. iln JlalajBia, in particular, the brown women I have plenty of ehildren s and thej all live, and the people multiplj and, prosper. And whj? I liee&use there the brown people live now aecord- ' ing to tiieir aneieni, national life. White people have been among then more than ewo hundred , jearfi, but the natives of the land have kept their aueienl eufetomB, and tliey aie the same to-daj : tln\t the) weie the first day that white men went among them. There, the white men who gained ; politieal ināuenee did not tvy to eliange the aneiene order of naiional existenee. This has j been the ease in the lisland of Java, whieh has |fifteen millipne of brown people of the same stoek ;as the people of liawaii, When white men lirst went to thafc ieland tliere were only two millions ; of people, that number Ims now inereased Bevcn-fold. Why then should brown men live in ; Java, in with whites, and die in Ila- ; waii V the brown people of Java live . aceording to the genius of their raee the same as I thej did two hundred years ago; whereas tlie | people of liawaii have kui everjtliing ehanged, , and the nevv order of thiogb are not good for the i healjtlx of thp "bro>ya people, on aeeouni of.obliterj.ating all that onee stajed. them f and |the traditional life oi the raee. Thojse v\ ho do uot like to \>l the irue īeiKUii.l Ueuij in Ilawaii wili saj that sjphilis t and rum are the prinelpal eauses of the death of j Ilawaiianē., Whj inei{?t on theue eause<saloue? I The diseabe of £jphilib is the eiame ip Java ae it ;is iu Ilawaii, and it was in Java manv hundred 1 i i : ** jeare ago, iong belhre Captain Cook eanie here ; I and ;ivs i um, the Javaueee people mauu- , faeture an jirdeut .-upim ealled arraek, whieh : Btrouger thi\n rum, tlierefoxv it to saj that syplulta and rum w ill desfcroj llawaiians , aiui will iiot Javanese. Thii> is uot true, ; Tlte wort* dbeube of despau\ Thoj have lobt hope iu their euuntrj, They are told that thej x\lc, ar.d bjsvnd-bjo t!ic w!ute , skins wiil ali the islaudt. S»ut we have not tost hope ; tiiviv vigor ieie iu a rem\u\nt of and if this i-einnant w uot allowed to perieh fhrougii the selEsh t>peeulaiion aud poliej of ytrouger it maj Hvc iOn and iuereaa\ and ]beeomo one of the en!igl»teaed puul the bv *\\n niee^. ■ ! /1