Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 16 December 1873 — Chinese and Malay Immigration. [ARTICLE]

Chinese and Malay Immigration.

; ' 4 Oahu "in |last Wcdncsday' t s Ga~<Jh, who! i: : i ! *oinc reiuuvk- Hbo\it ī\s, \vuuld not iccciv<j , j one \vord- of notlcc, \vcrc it not fbr our iiitci'e6t in! j thc 6ubjeci; of Malay lmmigration to Vv]ticli hej j reiers. Oahu,'' haK hoen readinp; Mit* Scward*fcs { : hook, and lie quotcs thcse Avords : TLe Euro-' | pean historians represent thf*t the natives (of| ! Batavia and Java) *ought to exterminate thej Chinesc inunigi L ation hcre, on esnetly t)ic same, grounds that Chinese iminigration is opponed iu ' the United Stateß, a feav that it \vou\d establish | a system of heathen barbariem." īn thesere-j ! marks jMiss Seward cxhibits a \vocful ignoranee; of the subject,—an iguoranee iike that of the j Blisses and NordhofFs, |nd other itinerary book i j makers, who havc suffeited and t .Biekened tlie | reading public \vith their literavy skimmingts by ; i sea and land. | I ! Does not cvery et\uleiit of t!ie history of the Malay Archipelago know that the Chinese l!ave had c!ose and important eommereial relatibns \vith the leading Ma!ay-States ever einee, aeeordiug to De Guignes ; the fifth eentury ; and that Barboea speaks of their 'est-ablishmcnts at Malaeea in the fifteenth eentury T And not\vithstanding tliis hitereourse for over one thousand years, the Chinesc population in thc Arehipelngo is eomparatively emall, though favored by the most fricm!ly disposition 011 the pai*t of the Malay people. Craw- | ford, n British offieial in Java, and who has | written a of thc Arehipelago saye : The ! entire Chinese jpopulation of Java (whieh has a ! native populalion of over fiftcen millicns of souls, | and most fricndly to thc Chinese,) after Chinese I emigration !ias J been direeted to that island/or ! tu % o ccntvr/cs and a baīf of European rule, eonsīsts !of no more thali 131,000 persons." And the j most of tliese arc eouncctcd \vith the eommerce of !Ohina,with thtf tradc of the towns, and Avith ! eonie man«factu'res; but who eontribute eompar- | atively nothing lo the productiou of Java. This ! islaßd exported in l$5 r \ eollee, sugar» liee, ! indigo, pcppcr, tattans, tin, tea, tobaceo, einnai mon, india rubbei\ and eoehineal, valued at SCy ! 442,397 or nhoūt $40,000,000, aud ! whieh is t!ie surplus produce of thc uatlves of I Javn after piwldinir amplv for their home suh-j |. , , 1 \ * - I 1 Pi§tencc« ! , Chiuese to\vnti have !>een otablishcd for ceutu-j ries past lu Sunvatvu aud Bonu\\ as \ve!l a< 111 ■ I Java ; aud tliere|is no reeovd of any ill-vdll, .Qr; hoetile feeling between natives anu Chinese. Thci people of Java and of all Malaysia luwe lived iu! peaeo, and wiUi Chinese just as tlic I nativos of this Avohipe!a£o live in peaee, and| amalgamate w!t!i the same iwee. T>ut iu Batavh\J t!ie joalousy and ! hativd of T*uropeatis broke oul, against tbe Chi!nese just a< t!i[s jea!ou<y [ ! I >

| and hnfrcd has reecnt!y br«A'.n -ul Frunj cisco. llowevci\ in Batayia, U:e h\tieu of rave, : befween Europ'ean> and Chine-;:-~uuied dread- ■ ful pri)p')rtions under O*ovenu» r 1• e11••! Vu!ekeri~ ! ier. who proiiiptcd anu a of ' ovr*r 10,000JChirjer"c in une day. It trae tl.;v . ' nativc? in thc pay <jf the govfriinierii took prat in ! this rnoHsnere n!ong with Dutch ■•!dici' c . but thj- ■ abominab!e _nia«sacrc originafe-l -nd | altogether the work uf Eui'upean-. , Again, tf Oahu quote? — :ī Gi?vcrti<'i 0:d (uf !ike every one elee 3n iM- regivn replx- ; scnts the Malays as impivvldei't anu ri!e. IL; bases his hope of tLe prōsperity of īlie settienien! upou ehineee immigl , a.tion/ , And tVscn 4 ' Oahu " ! remarka—" If then in 1871 ilu 1 1»ope? of i interested in the Mafayan Arehipe!ngo Wi-re bascd ; upon 1 Chinesc īminigvation * how «;j;mi?rīcnJ the >o!icme nf importing to the>c i-h.v,d'- r.ny -f '.hM j idle and improvidcut vace !" ! What ignoranc? is s!iovrn iu thv oia- , tion wiih its aecompanying e.»iiunvLls * Pcia«Tr!T : like Singapore, is a rccent Thitish >cttlf-mei ; t. ! mainly CTcated hy a mong\el eln>> of oover:turvi • ! from all pavts of the Archipe!ag", and baving n J resident agrien!turaī populalion of Its ?t | been found a neeessity by tlio.>e seeking t;» csuib- ! lish plantations of coffec ov other pvvducts, t ■ • look abroad for a steady woiking populatijii. j whieli cannot be obtained among the erralk ' Malay popu!ation of the Malay Pemnsala and of ! the Straits Sett!ements, and Chlu:i vflers the b*.> j *- , 1 ? ! labor markct. A* rcgnrds thc Malays, they au j only about*one-sixteenth part of the pjpnluti-i-, |of the Malay Arehipelago. And if t!iey arc idle | and improvident, what is to be said of tlie !of Java that esp>rt more than $40,00*0,000 ) worth of produete under native !ni*ēnagemcnt 0 I What of little Eali that esports tn«.a'e llian ī §1,000,000 ? What of Celebes that has severa! | hundred Bquare-viggcd vessels ef Its own nallw. | cowtruction? And we mny say, w!;at sl;all b». ! snid of the whole Archinelaero that' exiv.itt

| of tl)e nit>st'Hifceful produa^ I tb«t chiefly into tlo o.rfs aiul mamiH c:uiclof thc world? This olmost cxe!u>ive!y v-io- ! dnccd hy nntive haml*, nnd t\!int «tufl* t; ta:k ! idlerie>* nrt<! improvidonco a? applied to n Ti\>t ! rcgion ns !arge*tu! wit?i .varU\l a I lation of Europe heeauee a oorr.-r lik, ! Pcnnr)<r« v?ficre tourist«? stor. iaav Ik 1 in a ;aav i *■'* I*l ' \vhnt nV»norma! statc? AVc have eeen t! e valu-; ! of"ifte opinion? of itmerrmt !of onr % ? rcecntly said t!:nt n Yepinoi.t ' wou!d not,give one !niii'.lrel <]ol!;vrs| for t!;e n!;/., | Wailnleu Yn!Vy. Wo \\ydd bc to lu;v, of fho '• ul!e .uul ui)i ;v\Wc'.:t|" t«>llcrs lik. f tho?o of J;\va, wliieli \ve eou'a SuJ| on ! of ot!',er is!;\nds ; \vit!i wlieui \\\ e.auu l>aikl ;;p „ ' a pro?permi* nne! p->puu i>B ooanti 0 v like Jav.i o'. ' tho rfiillipinei". evcn n!(!iougli \\o r.e; i?- ' ti\Wis!i nnv prosjvrous plantatL>vT!:e pe^pl. 1 of Jnni !mvo mu!tiplied atiJ ui;Jvi 1 nat!w sysKMn, aml lhing;on tlio!r siall . but now, grasping Euwpiwiu, \\l;o| e.uv uet!:u^ for the peaiv of a vaet> Hvtng h\ neeeiaaiKH v l;! the of its eoimtry, wi\nt u> organk'o into ph\ntntion*\ t\tul vroi:lvi CI:1r»cse for Javane§e w !:o ivslit to <t!ek thcir p!oddiiv* mul tlieir pAte!u\- aj ,l t!» >e ?utv.e 'F.aroT4n!>< would $nbstltttte ov.nigv*hr< f v V-v nntiveWners of the soil, ?f the mor.Vey* b**ttorS>n*\Yer t!ietr por|W !

jsf Wc hupe Co \vcUvmo Uk i;otuvn , t Mv Wodchou3ic hy the V. C t M,.\: y ;