Nuhou, Volume I, Number 9, 30 December 1873 — Political Caucus. [ARTICLE]

Political Caucus.

At a mccting of forcign residcnts held at the ofhcu oi »S. ]>. I>ule, Esq. lasfc Tucsday, and ad.ourned till \fednesday, wheie Messrs. JI. M. Whitney, P. C. Jones,E. P. Adams, W. C. Jones, . E. Preston, Hj/L. Sheldon and others were presene; the gentlemen, Messrs. W. C. Jones, 11. L. jSheldon, Z» Poli, and Kahai were proposed by M|r. Whitney and aceepted. by tiiis caucues nieeting as iioyiinees to represent this district in tlie next Legislature.