Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 3 February 1874 — A CRISIS [ARTICLE]


Not adr<}uutely provided for by law, must be met by eommon sen"fe, reflectiiig the prevailing sehtiment of a people, whieh is the basis of all law and onlen Our jurisprudence reflects only foreign experience, and is ma,inly adapted to foreign conditions of pollileal order ; but we must bear in mind that there is an unwritten feudal law, not yet erased from the liearts of the Hawaiian people inasmuch as h is on the strength of this feudal principle, that all our written law and political right is established ; therefore in case of deficiency or obscurity in the written precept, we must look to the fundamental basis upon whieh our political status is established, and meet a crisis not so mueh with ]egal disquisi*tion and quibble, based alone 011 foreign experience ; as with/an exercise of eommon sense, that will clear]y reflect the will of this people.