Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 3 February 1874 — The Election [ARTICLE]

The Election

j Of repre6enfcatives in Honolulu pas<cd off je&Le:j day verj quietlj. Thcre was no qspeeial questio:before the native mind except a desire to assert uative poliiieal preeminence and independenee ln these islands, whleh feeling Las been evoked bv w * the Pearl Harbor eeeeion proposition, Four na1 tive members have been returne.l for Hunoluli;. as \ve reeoinmehded, | Mikalemi, 1*83 Kakina G31 j W. L. Moehonua, GGō Kahai 472 Tht number of qualified voters for this distriet i? 1680, and the number polled \vas . The success of the entire native tiekqt, and the character of the winning candidates indicate eonelusively the determination of this citj and distrkt I to support the claims of thc High Chicf David i Kalakaua to the succession.