Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 3 February 1874 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

| Tiie Lepers on Molokai, we belicvc, are | well eared for, and are about the; xiiost comfortuf blc commuiiity, aparfc from anj eonsideration of j tbeir dieease, tliafc fchere is in these islands, Th€j liave ample food, ciothing aud s]jelter, and have nothing to do Jsut to promenadp the beaufciful valiey in whieh fchey re6ide. We woulā nofc like to be a leper—not mueli—but if such \vas our misforfcune, we would rather aecept our fafce on Molokai, than in anj ofcher par|t of the wor!d where lepers are confined. segre«;afcion of fche lepers was a wlse outside of Molokai the di?ease scems fco bebdnished from ile islands. It would scem emel, and evcu brutuL when efcanding arouiul fche bedsidc of a djing friend fco be occupied only \vifch discussions in respecfc fco the probable heir of the pioribund; but tvliat would be unkind and impropcr in privafce life must not be so regarded in thc ease of a publie pcrsonnge \vhose lifc aud \yhosc sueccsīion is idenfcified wlfch the peaee and|\velfarc of the whole counfcrv. In such a ease tliere must not be ! dclay in filling fhe vaeaiit seat, thp sovereign auI thority musfc alwajs be reprcsciited, the Rovsd j Flag must never bc afc lialf-masfc T as was iooli$liIj donc afc a former rojal demise» aithc eountrv j musfc not be without a IIcad. We arc not eamlidi\fccs, that is to saj 5 the priefcor and rcsponsUde cdifcorx>r tlus papcr Las invariablv objcctcd fco tlic usc of 3iis name as a candidatc for fche Legislature. lle has reeommended il.e nafcivc people to eleln four uf their numbcr to represcnfc Iloiiolalu, have urgei him again and ugain s to have hss ju\uie publisk\t i but he has al\vt\ys rcfused. li uiay be tk\Ulu> j aloha of 5ouio of his nativc frieu|ls may promj t i thcm to casfc a vofcc for him any iiowu lle hojv> j wot, as he hus not madc thc sligiucsfc cfforv as- s \ | candidaic, biu s!:oukl ;i fc\v votcs |bc ca$t lor hiiu | by persisfccni fricnds iu spitc of his objecfcions, h; icam\ot help it, aml it must riOt bc rcgardcd;;nt>y cvidcncc fchafc he fcoo!, a parfc iji thc eauvas. Thefc are threc in fchje Scld g Cartcr P Shcldotu and Jones. all well qualiik\I to serve tUe couufcry as Kcprcsentau\ es; aiul \ye woula a would bc wisc for our nativo frichds to a: lc?ufc ono forcigncr from thc C"Auaidates for eiiy to with his hi icg;s:auve j«occcdin^.