Nuhou, Volume I, Number 16, 17 February 1874 — Mr. Berger. [ARTICLE]

Mr. Berger.

! 0«r eflicient Band Ma6ter, ha3 returned s ani w~ " ! now gladly hope for the frequent enteriamm£ct i whieh hiB "wel!-tra!ncd band hōj3 affoid. We |recogmze the MaBter ? s baton since his re:ura, ! and now that we have a new King in wlom w - all rejoice 5 we hope to have manj gala dajs f ani the sweet eolaee of the inueie of 'Berger and ai? Band, ■ \ ■

I Honoraiii.e mestiox is due to gentlemeQ, wlij, ! in the midst of the riotous melee of laet ! xisked their peieona io help staj the tumult, or I reseue persons wno were a£ii>aulted, and we are j pleased to nientioii the name of Hon. Jaiues Haj j odehouse, who stood over a progtrate īaan asi I saved hiiu froni the uplifted cudgels of a mofa; I and Signor L. M. d'Albertis,and Messrs. Harris. I Dole and others were undaunted pcace-niakers I during the tuinult. | S3T Boldne?s_ is a winniug eard in*anj eau^. Jand a poeifivc asscrtion oāen uonecntrau c and I lends thf current of pulilie thougljt. ln thc daj*. | of doubt when it was not deeincti prudent to ! taking eidee, we showed our eojors*and naiki ! them to tbe mast; and novr we ean iejoice in u J vietory, in the aceession of llis Majestj King I Kalakaca. In this connecticn ,{ve cannot help | but think of the inen wlio had means and petis Ut command, who cspoused aaotlier cau<e j Where were they? Why did thej not shovv their ! hands ahd lift up their voices before all nieu '; | Saeh skulkiug partisanship ought' to losc a «u;s<. let it be thc best of causes i2 !- r i 1 • - * 'MMMmhm " ~ 1 §3T Bribery is a usual eluirge madc autagonistic parties oue against thc ot|ier. Oi course | the 6ueceseful partj is alwajs sppposed to iiave resorted to -liribery. Novr in tl|e reeent coutest for a throne« we don t believe, e&cepiing inouev epont on polilieal s llu ibs, that anj mw in position reeeived a dellar f or tLc eiercisc of mflucnee or for the givingof vote, and \yc : feel sure that no journal of tliis citj got anvdiiiur or the promise of anjthing fcr its advocacl". Ot ! course we ean onlj swear to that bcing a fact as regarils the Nruov, l>ut we feel a comiction thui iM* true a!so of thc -i. ; aud And whj so unauinioui aud |wrae#t in tbeir advocacj, ulmU earlj or iau 'in ficld ?" simply b eC ause thc jouiualists fci; thnt thc sentimcnt of the whoie people of tUc dec;dc% iu favor of Kalakai a Kn»g- and ller Majestj Quixu : Emuia's pjo:ij ]:a ve K-cn reeo£uĪ4C\l as iu enw, had it not beon for iuccudiarv Li Anenee» brought to bcar upou a crowd of ti;e I PāKtCB a.bout Ulis tOTVU. 1