Ka Puuhonua o na Hawaii, Volume V, Number 13, 27 March 1918 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Oka B. B. C. ka laau hoote kamiH<o- o fceia- naaa h, on ••no m-t'i like ole e pili ana i ka k no. 112) kd k ip .k.i. Wiliiam C. Achi Jr. (Wi'e Aki Opio) I-010 MA KE KANAWAI. IS Itiki no kc lnwehiwe ma na i ",ea :i p;ui e pili aim i ka Oihana L.i.fio dim ka n>akaukau: e lmnaifi | no na I'aUpala Kuai, Moraki, 1100 liuinlima B-ano o ae me ka eleu a ma ka uku kupono r>o na Hawaii. Keemt Oihaua Ruuti llelu 301 Knuiknoluni Hale, Honolulu, lanuari 18, 1918—tf.

OfOR0 f OR HAWAIIAN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION and HUI-POI) ' Hereafter, the monthly report of the Hawaiian Savings and Loan Association Ltd., will be issued in the newspaper, Ka Puuhoriua o na iHawaii which is published,weekly, Other important reports ol the Association, including , busintss items, notices etc will' b« given thru this paper. This plan is for the purpose reducing expense oa stamps, envelopes, paper and typ'n gor printing. No typed report or noIiLVS will be jstrved to the menhirs as keretof-.ie. ' Thrrofort*. every member of the Assueirttion is hereby urged to subscribe for the 'Kn Vuubtmua o UiV liavv.m" iu.ortb r Lo yourself i i sk-.l on ihe condition and :: ('H Vit (if Uh> AsHi ci-itioo., 'Ah liioee wtuMire interested in the I'oi Hni aw u iso urgid to eub scribe for.tin? paj er smce all pirtß .-Uid iui|<orfcant itcuiß of bueiuess ooiuuct. a with the hui will bo gsvn i,ui thru this p«ptr in-su-;hI if being strved to the mefa bers in typewritten form il3 here fore Ai'gffte S 15)]? ti.