The Liberal, Volume I, Number 38, 14 January 1893 — THE [Illegible] [ARTICLE]


{illegible} the legislators exercised a legal prerogative, which cannot be questioned. Her Majesty has also excused her constitutional right and selected a new cabinet. There are two courses open to all citizens; to accept the work of the Legislature and the appointments of the Queen, or to assume a spirit of hostility or covert rebellion. As this journal is not a partisan sheet, but devoted to good government and national advancement, it cannot do otherwise than to cordially support Her Majesty and her government. This, we conceive is, the duty of all fair minded citizens. If we really can for commercial prosperity and political peace, we must not enter upon a seige of fault-finding and petty bickerings. The news should go forth that constitutional government in Hawaii has had a fair trial, and that a change in the administration has taken place legally and lawfully without a shock or jar and without an interregnum. Such a report will certainly go far towards proving the reliability and stability of our government. The incoming Ministry have an opportunity to carry out means and measures for the benefit of the nation and the prosperity of the people. The Ministry should not be hindered in carrying on the work of the government, and every fair minded citizen will rejoice in seeing the workings of the affairs of the state go on smoothly and in due order.