The Liberal, Volume I, Number 39, 25 January 1893 — THE DUTY OF HAWAHANS. [ARTICLE]


We believe it to be the highest duty of the Hawaiian People existing period of transitions to come dially to the support of the government, and lend their aid in steering the ship of State ti a safe haven. The Monarchy is gone, past recall and it behooves the native people to their every effort to secure the most acceptable substitute for the system which they have lost. We believe the only acceptable, or even tolerable substitute to the Statehood, under the American flag. With a State government, the equal rights of the people would be forever guaranteed, and the INDEPENDENCE of Hawaii would be elevated from a phrase to a fact. If such government be not secured at the outlet of our career under the stars and stripes, it will not be secured during the life of anyone now living. Government as an American Territory, or as anything except a full fledged member of the Sisterhood of States is to be dreaded and avoided. In our next issue we will describe some of the benefits of Statehood, and contrast them with the evils and rottenness of a Territorial existance, -that bane of self respecting society, where discredited, discarded and drunken political carpet baggers revel at the official board whose supplies are furnished by the long suffering but helpless citizens over whom they exert their besotted and irresponsible rule.