The Liberal, Volume I, Number 40, 28 January 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 74 Both Telephones. 71 Hotel Street. 25-1m ELITE ICE - CREAM - PARLORS HART & CO., - - PROPS BAKERS, CONFECTIONERS, Etc., Etc., Etc. W. S. LUCE. Wine and Spirit Merchant Merchant St., Honolulu. 1-3 mos HAWAIIAN NEWS CO., Merchant St., : : Honolulu. METROPOLITAN - - MEAT COMPANY. Office and Headquarters King Street, - Honolulu HAWAIIAN STEAM SOAP WORKS T. RAWLINS - - Proprictor KING ST., LELEO, - HONOLULU. Bell Telephone No. 55. 1-3 mos B. BERGERSEN, GENERAL AGENT FOR SINGLE SEWING MACHINES Damon Bleek, Bethel St. Honolulu, - - - - P.O. Box 440. 3-3 mos. G. MULLER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, Gun and Locksmith. BETHEL ST., DAMON'S BLOCK (Corner Stone,) 3-1 mo THOMAS LINDSAY, WATCH MAKER -ANDMANUFACTURING JEWELER. McInerny Black, Fort st., - - Honolulu. J. EMMELUTH & CO., HARDWARE -:- DEALERS Plumbers, Fitters & Tin Workers. Corner stone, Nuuanu & Merchant Sts., Honolulu. LOVE'S BAKERY, Nuuanu St., - - Honolulu. The Oldest Established Bakery ON THE ISLANDS. SHIPPING & FAMILY ORDERS Promptly attended to. [3-3mos JOHN PHILLIPS, PLUMBER & GAS-FITTER. KING STREET, HONOLULU. H.E. McINTYRE & BRO., Groceries, Wholesale and Retail. Cor. King and Fort Sts., Honolulu. ROYAL SALON, K. H. F. WOLTHE, Manager. - THE REST OF - WINES, BEERS & LIQUORS Cor. Merchant and Nuuanu Sts., Honolulu. CASTLE & COOKE. - IMPORTERS AND - Commision - Merchants. T.B. MURRAY, KING STREET. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKER REPAIRS MOST REASONABLE. Carriage Painting & Trimming All work guaranteed first class 3-3 mos