The Liberal, Volume I, Number 43, 8 February 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

TO LET OR FOR SALE. Residence in a very desirable part of Liliha Street. The House contains Parlor, 3 bedrooms, dressing room, smoking room, bath room, dining room and cook house, a room cottage adjoining, carriage house and stables, and other out buildings. The lot is about 1/2 an acre. A few steps from the Tramcars. For further particulars apply to. MRS. THERESA CARTWRIGHT. Office - Way Block, King St., or to W.R. Castle At his office , Cartwright Block, upstairs [4-tf] MUTUAL TELEPHONE 628 135 FORT STREET Y. LUM SING, DEALER IN FRUITS GROCERIES Fresh Fruits by Every California Steamer. Fresh Island Butter from Hawaii. COFFEE ROASTERS. No. 60 King St. - - P.O. Box 159 C. HOCK CHAW, Watchmaker, Silver & Goldsmith Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Diamonds and Eve Glasses Musical Boxes, Revolvers, Cartridges, Spectacies Glasses, Etc., Etc., 27-1m WING HING MERCHANT -:- TAILOR 65 Nuuanu St., near Love's Bakery. Fine Tailoring and Repairing. 27-3ms. AHUNG & CO. MERCHANT TAILORS AND REPAIRERS A Large Assortment of Diagonals, Tweeds, Gassimeres, Broad, Cloths, Braids, Buttons, Assorted Trimmings. No. 107 Nuuanu St., Opp. Queen Emma Hall. 25-1m Honolulu. HONOLULU STEAM SOAP WORKS Pure Laundry Soap put up in boxes of 160 pounds of 40, 58 and 63 bars each, for sale by all retailiers. Agents. BOOK - BINDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Magazines, Journals and Ledgers. Blank Books, Letter Copying Books. Day Books, Cash Books, Account Books, Time Books, Law Books, Scrap books, Portfolios, Albums, Map Mounting, Music Books, Lettering in Gold, etc., etc., Binding in Morocco, Sheep, Calf, Roan, Persian, etc., PAPER RUING. At Short Notice - First class Workmenship guaranteed. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., Book Binder and Blank Book Manufactors, Honolulu HI