The Liberal, Volume I, Number 45, 15 February 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

f*HIX, IUGHTS. —Lī thii\ H anu»>x-u ?..• Callfofaia a ! VBSted wtougs ara likeli' lo *W"®Ushed. Oae of the first 1 iearned m tough oid BlaqkWBB that ferae nalwae are the ;#perty o"f anyone who eau lake If it tukd heen int«Dde<i to rale iu practlce among aphi&l» xeg&ni, it wouid have Hp aaore accuxate to say that {wii<l by natur<; are the im*«y °f those who ean tafee ® r of those who ean preveut frotn taking them. It is the of thooe who exIHM authority to deprive others ®6ir aatural righkf. The fiwtj Wyf the.s*vage chief or plethoric ' MĒ& 6 * is wara all his fellows to j jw QS the gtasā, and not ue top ( «īiei easy in iheir pursuit of , | TLe ILawaiiau chiefs j I HW th>< M". 1 . in a hi'jhly -'lev c lopc;d I!Tiie gBaeral princīple was j i «»3Bitnoa people were tQ t>e j e<l to vio any thi»g tbat they j to do, and be compelled to! itever the chiefs wii>hed <Io The pnneipie was delnto that delectable taboo whīeh has given us a aew r au arbltrary anti unreaaon' 9hibition. Amongst other he people were forbldden to īept by permisBion of the tnd landlordg. The ftshing «o established by heatben »rki have been perpe?U:ited ; tiJs- *2jry.'YW hope fishing righb v f lll fall | wh ihe tan-colored monarchy. Xiio, full of fish. The poor native , be able to go out and draw , «āel ānd give thanks to Cfncie ' B§l' With a fall stomach, CREDIT. — The ' ' takes up the suggestion «3vanced by The Libskal "iMfedfVi3es that depositoi;> iu tiie ' l|||jjl. Savings Bank to eschange accounts for Hawaiian 6 per edl bond3. The fact that this will la|jg|Btiact advantage to the presealfovernment and a safe and proto the deia sufficieut to ali who have l|&|Aipd for busiuess or perception "Wp |>Ih&sent trend of events. it iWt & eertainty that the TJnited Sffc, in one4vay or an otber, wili aSBfiae CQiitrol of these Islands. It is.pßSo3t a coro!lary that they will or pay outright the Hat»ational dqbt. The Unite<l is liberal in money matters. is done by the United crodit wili be on a and its si£percent bon<i? BGk>tl selt at a premium. " *v«' •-* i — — I4K» VALUE*3. —One of the and immediate rewill a greai increip ia iand values. The hour the wa-» ra3-t-d <*!! the <.iov«muieui Buihiiug, tne %«iiut o( *«*fO6tonnnrt in tlie kingdom Every kuleana, every hoalfflol[, everv P ar( of mouniain ] laad wiii now have a «iipii?! value and all the smali wīil profit by t.!>e oh*nge, a> great l&ad oKKi«tio{i>ktaea Teiartlmg lU<6 of country for in tiop&'Qt wwv wh «-vent. Mauy «oor||l9ed hosues wi?! <iow rv have their lttdi|BGrtgaged caoftw>k ui-*: *n~ .**s?*thcir aJt!vatioii. They 'ilPtfceir faivl ī'K a |>vice «ew I ui;? on heīter 'Po££>,9* «son a» this I*? United We arr liteiy ta oC tl\e ty Cal!fornia tow«*, Barii ūfvmr* ot -pecuUt»on 'i ?t' aevc4,i>-; anjthing i- !>etter 'h/n ; '4|f». ' Bui Hawaii i» gt#g t lall fcnl 1 prr-^Hr-,

I PROVISmNAL FOLLY — The | \ method i.n Lhe maduesi of the r?o-, visional Goveruiuent ia pisi deviniug. Why th,ey ahould elect a promiueat partuan vl the Q.ueeu &ud ( V* iiaon to be a meiaber of the ex- i ecuti\e eouneii cannot be explaiac-d i on any raiionai and creditable i'aīii. : Nothic,g ia better knowu thaa that CeciL Brovk u formed aad ed the jKKalled Wiicox cabinet in the iutere»t o' the then King Bolahola. That eGmps»jmised attempt at good goverqmeot failed utteri>- aad shamefully by reason of bis presenee. Xt was he iu whom the Queeu and Wilaoa had uniiniited confidencc. Did those iumiuaries ever favor a straighcforward and >disintereated man. The royal favor was a badge o.t dishonor, Cecil iirown wa.s the implaeahle enemy of the imunl iple, and tiie one who deftatiM[ iī. Ho i- au ;U'dent luter of the LH>erals aud white peaple geneiaiiy. We do not feartaget him down ou The Likekal, b«cause he is already down oa everythiug that is liberai. In the Advisory Oouneii i»e appeaw as an ob]eetor aad obstructiooist. Oae o£ his frieuds said he weut into the Couacii io keep poated as to wkat was going oa. His motivea in goiug in excite no curiosily; but why he was eleeted is one of the secret-( of'the junto. . . THF LīBET3AL LEADS.—The oae««tfon <>* annp*"'!*-»* was €r«t -z-: 'al, The Lrf»jrF\ T . ritoab-eu pu!:uc !ntere?t !d Amerīca, hy ār!!cle° ia lead!ng papers, notabiy, by one īu the 'Ama-ie-an propounrling the quei?tion, "Bhall We Annex Hawaii?" whleh a* been echoed from one eud of the United States tQ the other. Our propositiqu to joinCalifornia hu-; met withapproval on every: hand. It is an ldea that meets thē pre»eut need. Our idea about the api>reciation in value of governtuent bonds has been laken up by the Adi.'a'(iser. We lead the procession ie thought; sometimes a month, sometimes a year, sometimes fifty years. Xothiug geU people down on you iike being fifty years ahead of the iimes. We trying to go slow and keep in sight of the mass of blockheads who eompc«e st the people," THE LABOR PROBLEM,—The cost oi labor ls a vttai (lueāllon "m many indtivfries. The cry of the planters for eheap labor has loog resounded throughout the Island* f — roore elieap labor and aīway« eheap !kiior? One of the planter< wriling v lu the Pfanfcr.f f ' Monthty has ca!led the contwct !«bor *y*tem "her-, miiphrodite, ,? that is aemi-slavēry and lialf pal*J espeoiaHy, the liberty iovmg Engiishmen, have opi»3e(i annL\dt:ou fo ;he United States, heeau*» 1 frt*, Ul>fjr did n'ft mcet t!ieir views of proper statu- of tbe working inan. To have all men fre€- aud before lh" hw v>cubi up-M?t thelr whoīe frysteraofdr!V:ug,grin(nng, !.«atiDg, robbi»g onMk-a ISy oalle'l Sbai»gj ;i?<d »<th*r iiintUr euiaeomltaut?- o' aiaua^^meui. Tiif C>ur? »>( hns dec)»So'i tbat -uatraet ii? n«:>t "-s?Tv!tudej ;j aiau uiay be iuipri>onc'l for the -erve M- | I v.-n;ur«- tb* tl:ai | Unilol C\-urt | vvii" noi honoi'il ie | br; >.>n ĪLva iH *n beru h. Tbe ■ whoH" trr %'uuM grieve -,-v ! Ch:ef Ju*ti- - .Tu<M'- de- Hi..-» < iuied. Out th.i* tvh *t wHĪ *! ippv.i. ; Tlnt-r\- w» _ « ai»ti u»» .= •. ī hii h buV , rew «i(dt-r-r.'i!jd, v. £' w:tl **«■(* l-- ' •* rh'3Tir. in h !» I- • aiU'-i t Un,' 4 »tJ'l ' Jt>l- f ll«-r*īJC2 -- tr. v« ry v t r > ' ;-i' • tntr-rl « i urriv.<ry.

IHE ALUEIXS. —>Xfce baodler» ,-J >wiv, reiuclautiy t regr«jiioihj re* j ilixīr,£ the faot liiaL ti»e Aai«ucan flag wīll aever be tmlju6(ī <iqLiru. I Fim, " u «; « | preveot &uuexatiou tkajr are Usgiat k>. glw & tO Vih&L their wili be ps*UUei*iiy, aftor th« adopllot_ Xhe aa*wsx ī» | very th*y wlU.he 4lie6» aad havt» the Aaoii; riglits aud UisabiUtīe* as wther aliea§ iu the Uoii&i Stnte?, Arniexatioo wiE mke Aaiee-' *can> of Hawaii&ai and āiī. bor& here ; but ao Portugjiftsa or other? c*n eiliaem whiid they owe alieglence to otUor Stater* hnve a to iix the ftoatioa <il voters for aii Some have no proVisiou voter» to be citigeaā ot tta L'||iUid State-. but the utajority have »uch a Valeis «uue spfcUi favor I- jgr4Xited alieu lor theīr !oy.i!ty tu royaity, they jtre not 15ke!ly to i>artielpate mueh in pobtse? uader the St&r Banner till they a-re paturaliied i$ five yeacs re»ldenee in Uiiiieii £talo territory aini by due tfroge«s bl l&a% Amenea AmericAa^: daniel . \ —Dimlnutive Dau waus.<ailg<l thc- = ' Advi?ory Oouaeih to au3wer lae'iasult!iig aaii la3aaiīiiuJ'y artides ia the edifcorial *Qiuoiiw c,*f ehe UuiiaUu. li*sissid >J ap&mlus Lu jl*e digtii&v4- AiCtim\l€ p&tuied * » bid ivput* of tae aPki&i px&6o&ed a \ery piUahie specUcie, 1 &3B ialuiai«d. He $fcook \ī£iblj r hii boots, wiuie his tongue clove to the roo{ o£ hia toouthior aoiue tirue, Wheu urgtjd, lie statuuiereU out that he didn't do it. The am(ter wa& ia tue eUitoriai eoiuuia, b«t i& waa uot hi». They weie eoiuuiuaicatioasj Uui he had orUers to put iheai iu a» e<iUoriaio., So he dodged aud doubied. Smail woader! it is a seriouājthiag to be charged wUii murder of the Eagiūh iaugu(tge ; outrage** ou eomwou aeuse aud ind«eeut ai<iauUs ou the pnneipie o£ gramuiar. The JUibkkal aiways said that . the Bttlletin editoriab were wiit&eu by eoatribuUous, aad. the coutributiou3 were uioatiy «oU teu ap by ihe editor. Aitei" electiog <_*eeii Browa, the Juato ought to give the Bulletin tbe Goverameat patronage: It woul'J be ih the sjuae line of poitcy. .