The Liberal, Volume I, Number 45, 15 February 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Thtt irxcEt.LE>\'E of the Proviiīoaal Govenni)ent is uue »?nvLrt;ly to its persoanel. Tbe nuetht."i of orgiaūa(iiion *dU tbe pian upou whieh it y organised are pbout a$ ba<l m eaa be co»ceive<J of, as «e!f-e!ectißg Tegi«laturo «n»ī executtve L i i* foreiga jruit eonthe esscatiali ot a anil preUatory ruie. Thh Llhekai"" has already held up the exarnple of Satooa a< a warning to Hawaiiaus of what their fate might yet be. the <ldoger immineat. There but iwo ftlt€rnaUves befOTt?tbat 5s to be a proteeloraie or .mnex:ītion to the T*nitt'4 States. If the ua.&ves are eapahle of any polilieal action as a race they $hoald now unite to and excape the iinpof ition and perpetuaiion of the worsf form of government. If they atternpt obstrudH("wi •_>- urift iutTily &$. is iuost uaturaī 'o tb<,-y wi!i have thems«?lves to if ihey are ieft without a voice la the <fOVr eruuient of their owu ooiitUry. The Pkovisio>\\l Govern.ment is the best Hawaii hasever had; but it ]'•? the persoaal charaeter of PresiUent Do!e, Vice-President Attorney-Gencraī Smlth and Minister of Finance Jones that make it so, It is a present example of a well koown fact: that the wor>=t form uf government ac!Ministered by good men is better than the best form eontrolle<i by bad meu. A l)eueffcent despotism is the best form of govemmenl, it is said. Of eourse, when men have ou!y the best interesta of the country and people at heart, the le-s they are trammeiied, the better it wlll be. It a good man to stand prosperity. lrrespon'sible power is a still greater trkL Few mea enme uascathed from -M&k liopa fc> have good[ aaeo to goveirn !t. A tfcorongh?y gootl man īn powfir U an acvldeßt, the exception rather Hion the rule. No §ystem has been foun<l or even suggested whereby the fitt«st men cou!d be selected, for i>osition3 of power. The theory of divine right, infa!libflity and heredltary -«i>erīorify having been abandoned, it becomes a necessity to limit Iho power of rulers, restnct their aetivity and provlde for their removaS. (iovernmeats and ix>wer must inevitably fall into th«* hands of men of only average probity or less. Systeps must be devised that will work well with aueii materiul. The people must delegalo their autiiority with precautiou and for' short terms. This t$ the fandamental principle of the form of modern governmentH. To freatj every man as ,t thief uniil he proYCi himseK honest is the Americau idea. It is succe-sfut in practice atid Las a Kt."f,(--tīoxs ;ire fre«iuently hollow chams, and a» £or the best man getting elected the suggestion is ab--Bttrd. In countiies with enlightenw! people Hke the rnited State> and Engiancl, the feature is that a very bad man cannot be eīrirtAd. af present seems to be most scrupu!ou* as to the integrity and uabi.ei»ished reputation ol her puhiie men. Kven a suspi~ eiou, « i«reath of scanci&i, ruins the of her mop»l famous ' *?nr! f.-tv.»nU- Tl?al h the uieaaui'ē of thy uatlou'.-? couicienc«. We have had eiections in Hawaii here and we «e»n elected : la tho lugisktuitf # &&d Vi«k'jiw iheir perforamnces thew. W? havr> mexre hrīh-ciy trlu»j3i>h;ujt!y rt--I.laZ\X..'«»y •._.vLi.'>tilU,ai uext eieeiion, We imve sees iegbthc 7 nterior Dep^£tr t 'ivnī md ut!ier 3atur.iay bj their hirs fn*!rn have *«een s nmA N»rd by UleralH »'topt tlie — ,4 Xv LH>i-rml nmi appiy,' ? ar»d dr*aw the mlm Ilue «g«iD<<t tb».* l>e«iile». Th« «*tUo v»>ter 1»!H <1 he sME»eonl4<r ou!y to Saltejry aut! P«Mrh9pi i| wouhl wd| for thf» co«tttry to hiY« !iuie to ū*t-

' Te?Qf» & j āe|>ea4iQ£ oo t£eeijott4 la mlma roleri, Qa*&isgi&tme; ii - r >be t>ative voler vaj<ea ior imb aad il repr^tatiWbei£ay their tru<l and cttjaairj* f ihpo, ! jwfll *oon be aa ecd of Überty; Ihe' i natives b;iye loog Jia4 their i&ie ia | U>eir owu liaml*, ..Tbcyr are , a jU4}ge «n«l jury now t£ a#», I «wer a« to whether tbey are fit ior ' or not. The I»re(*Ment tbe ra!te<i l States aaa I CotigTA«*« con?ldler tlie <jue&tiqn. ! ī aro *orry ti»« nailves ca« not make ! a better $howiog %efore thc eourr. I ' -'• I f BifikA3*E ba? oeen rather pro|m!nently before the p«blic a i Liberal leader aiivl represeutative. j His coa«e ia poliUe* and *i Q tbe f tegislature has beea a stri.kiag eon- \ tnat to that ot ofcher nMiw poliiii ci«nfi. He was the first «f Ue btoode<l Hawaimts to āeaouaee the Ooeea and her favorite« and to de> c!«re hl? faith in a rcpub!jcan !orm of gt>v»rnmeni. In the legk)ature he voted always with the best ele'ment of his par{y. He sapporte<l the prixciple to the iast» He f£Cornett bribes; lie haii uo as to grin<2r he nad no preferment to seek; he had no masters to servc; {he wa* fearless, He did what he J eonlU for his eountry in a quiet uaostent«tions way. His sth)i»g <ieep volce, that ase<l to arouse tfae ea« thaBt??sm of his hearers durlng eleetion time was mely heard in the Hon«e, and lie never eonsutoed precioii« tlme wlfh demagograic vaporing<? other T>.atives were woot to do. It ]"•? grfttifying to find him' yet on the rlght ?ide, aod highly elated at* the prospeet of becoming an Ameriean citizen. Eipikane has m«de a better rec'ord than acy living native of the puru biood. He woa!d not take an ofßce, but be dePier\'es a statue in recognition of jti& virtu<»s. , * Xow Is tlie Uuue for Uie Hawaiiaa liranjiitic Company aud veaturfco to anaex the aiaiighiy Aiuerican doiiar. The iuterest m Hawaiiaa aiEklia h iuteust ,tbroasiiflow vtiib lt , aiualleae aeia ||ife couuty wiil aot xm UM l»e toxi & f 'ieader" ou li< o£tiy re(iuires *ome ingeniou3 Xankee mauager to subsiitute raw nn»h*»r for buxat cork aad change hk eombinatioxi inio Hawoiiaa Mio&trels in order to make his fartuxie. iio far th.6 only genuiue HawaiiiUi before tiie American puhlie is J, K. Bush, who as a lecturer b,as every , quaUāeattou for iie M'-H* only a busines» mauagei' who kaows the puhiie. If i aai uot miataken iihall heax. irom Mr. BusJh in' Amorica« he haa &een long a proiainent Sgure ia politics aad was among tiie;first to write iu favor Qi annexaUon. JUu;k of aupport fr<wn those most iiīterested aad the intrigue» and Lreatttery of tne la*t legislative compeiied liiui to ieiinquiih iiiii iUea and wiOndraw from the party of "prinei|>le/ f he deserve» weil qC the country. We hope he may be received so weīl Ia AĪnenea that he will work to niake all Mawaiian» Aiiierioau;. - T ■ - -. -V.. AMERK A?rs need no' be alarmed ftt the of bei sg ?wamped by the native vote vi eaae we be- ' eoooe Ca}ffornTanf. Tbere are severs! provWon« 'n ths coastitution. of that f*tate that would hraa clent ««feguartls agilnst nioi» rule. Tbe Austra|ian i>aiiot systeit! for ooe, reqa}rt& a con*id«rabie degrce M laMlrgetH* on tfe« pt,ri of tbe wter a« w«n »-» a know!e«!ge of ihe Evgllsh languag" Tbe voter must be aoie to rmd aud ued€rstand *he Tbst "ftosld Fhat mit nīrie-tan?h k-ī iht heoelle voterō,wlio Uoa'i want be eitiaen«, i bat «*hject«, aa<t who, īf they zre not «nMeeH of t rrirjnātfhy f wIH. be stlb|c"fs of tbe !x»*>e<, līy the awi of an«exatioß aliern re«id??t)t hcfr> m tb«? ( E»g!fab ? _ ek., "wHi not stec*>%aarlly 'Leeome Amenean Tfeey wili nrjt have t© fofwwear tbelr a3legicrw*e io aey fctw°r aiv! l«c.uuio l.j tfi dse coīir»e. $pecial trovi«i'/n ooght to lae miMle f«r the B4tura> Imiwwii o? l}fQ befto Qt Eīuo» . peans who bave lie«a tatto.c#p»- ' ' **ve ;eft» jt€Y«®» t%? *cr,j>. «ob. • ~ "i .; >