The Liberal, Volume I, Number 46, 18 February 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

"Oh! BoUri In't it ivwtl" LUNDBORC'S FAMOUS PERFUMES. SSSNI*,. 60 Y A LILY, MAR£CHAL NIEL ROSE, ALPINE VIOLET, LtINDBORG'S RHENISH COLOGNE, DELICATE. RVFrSET>: FRAGRANT. \ We hrtvc lni|H>r«Mt especially for the \ FINK ASSORTMENT OF ■J" PERFUMES! Consisting in part of tbe Well Known BrnmU of Lundborg, Lubjn, Colgate, Eastman, Gosne/f, .! ' " E?€\, EtC. 112 ETC, All «{( HtlUI) «v<! oir« r nt Wbolcsnlr or Rctf il Bt McKWI-ET PRICES. HOLLISTER & CO., 109 Fort Street. DRUGGISTS. DIS I * S Where did you say ? ALL Latest- Novelties in Neckwear, Silk GOODS Orer^hirts % Pqjamas, Suspenders. Handkerchiefs and Panama Hats. HARD Bath ißottfs, Dr>« Shirts, Smoking Jackets, Umbrellas, Leather * Dressiny Case PAN prices oldberg's ! ...ZW \ ■ «M»n .. • ~ J • ■ ■ lit I i Vi FREE SILVER! ' B«y WWU to ttm lUcmslv File/, to* mmm