The Liberal, Volume I, Number 47, 22 February 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

' BY AUTHORITY. -n * T 'J«fd, and iw* i *««*'.• '<*•**?, m honcr - r - <*> 3310-lt ,47-3 «**,£ OF ELBCtniC UGHT and power franchise. Ip accordance with the provisions of j an Act entitle! "An Act tt> rebate and control the prodrxlton and furnish in? of ; Electric t n Ifonolaia," approved January I-Ui lb there will be wM -* Pal it i ction, Os WEDNESDAY, the 3d .lav of Ma* tm s at 12 o'clock noon, at the front entrance of Alfiolam Hale, the ercltttfre right and franchise to fctrniah and (mpply electric Vight and electric power within the district of Honolulu > daring th* term of ten (10) years from the «iate of snrh sale. The following privilege? are exempted from eald franchise: I«t. The right of any person or corporation to ©rod electric apparatus and i*olot eHberlSgfct or poorer for b'n or It# own isse n?>on the premises where prodneed. 2d. The right or" the Hawaiian Tramways Company, Limited, adder the franchise already granted to it, to erect a plant, poles and wires fo* the par|»o.s«j of furnishing power for the propulsion of its ears, or for making a contract with any one- or more of the contractors to furnish it with such power for us*? on any of its tracks, ;; whether the same is within the district of such contractors.or not 3d. The right of the Government to lurnifch to any part of Honolulu, electricity for'light or power, produced by the power now obtained from the present' water supply of the city, up to the capacity of electric dynamos now ovned,by the Government. Tt'e sale of such fran< In* is subjc t ts tht K lies Keg dations Inspect oi an J Tariff of Hates to be charge 1 f i Oone 1111ers- as set forth in the said al o\ mentioned Act. Tbc UVhkt Phick, at Auction, of Bald Franchise la per centum of the gross receipts trf the Contractor from all electric light and power famished to consumers. j The Bipb for such Franchise shall be ior the percentage of such gross receipts, which the bidder i» wiping to p*y to the* OVCT »\ck pstcanUgs. Tun , jok shall )>e, exempt paying pnoh percentage of receipts for thenrat two years of an eh contract. A Dbtomt of $500 either cash or a certified check on a Honolulu Bank, will -be required from the successful bidder on the fall ol the hammer, which deposit shall be a forfeit to the fiovernment if such bidder fails to execute the contract provided for In Section 5 of said Act, within twenty days frorik the date of sale. A Bosro, In the «um of 15000, with two approved fmrctios or a deposit of $600 in gold coin in lieu thereof will be inquired, far the faithful observance of •11 of ,the term" of the contract, and for the of all the terms and conditions of the law under rthich the franchise is granted, ' J. A. KING, Miniater of; the Interior, Interior Office, Feb. 21, 8310-36 HSMf m n Ai'l to A*.i»or!y,«> a SfrvtiGnal »u(lI tbp Jwinncc >< Bond* :*» Security Wbercaa, «*»» Aiji vnlitUf I "An Actio Authorise A National Ivan, i hi d»>flu«tho uiw to whkh (the money bi>rr«»vrd shall be applied," in on th? !tth day of fauna j„ A. 0,1W>8j And, WW**®,) <|>n the 17th day of l«umary, A. P 1893, the Pro' lalonal tioverament of th i Hawaiian Wand* * proclaimed and ti and Uvamn vMled wish all ( t« rigbv9< powers and authority ef the C ov<»*nin«'nt >«f tl«»' TT j£ I#lajrid? b« at^re Now. I In ordef to «'*rry .>n! tb* pnrpitae of ««a|* \ct approve.f ,TArt'swysi.'iam, |) : i Hk iy I}' the $*8«ntiw wad Adviawy CoubcU# *J the IYovi?knwd / tiovumtnent If the .flawilian T*l Nicrw* 1—"Tht Minigtet <it Ftnam e W illi the aj^frova 1 « the V<<s «tIr^C.;vn ! »r «»-* » dormttl » -f ' ■' v -' tlMWWnd Tami )h no? M«* ivfi Una- »»<.? ' ]( Ttmitmtid tmmmh » thS *nd jr th| tpmi'm \m4's m