The Liberal, Volume I, Number 47, 22 February 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

$ exetspled frota &V, Jaxes, ar.i sfeal! bear ' tateresl at tbe, rate of cot more Sbss fix ■ per <Wa» pk aoftnro/ffcjiitsSe •amiKlty, an4 >$*U not bes to five a« more tjgjp |jp after die date "»«' prEnciptflfod interest to h* pft lQ ®oM Coin offee Coiled i&ates of Anw»rf«k or :t* eqgjlralent at It# weedtit sfaaflird of weigbfand fineness. Secnos 3—Said bonds sbaH be signed , oy ta«- Minister of Finance And by tbe 1 of Pnblic Accounts and V ; sealed by tbe seal of tbe Department <A 1 the Minister oI Finance, and shall not toe j issued at less than tbe rate of ninetyi eight per ceotorn of their nominal par J value in Gold Coin of the United States, j except that tbe Minister of Finance, with I tbe approval of a majority of the Execaj live Council may allow a commission not I ing five per centum to any person j or syndicate that may negotiate said bonds; provided, however, that any sach ] tommisson shall not be allowed for ant j bonds sold in the Hawaiian Islands j Section 4—Tbe sums borrowed under this Act ehaU be placed in the Treasury to the credit of the "loan Fond 1892," and sball he paid out for and used for the following purposes and no <^her: New wharves, sea wall, dredging harbor and bar Honolulu 200,000 00 Roads, bridges and (andiagf? 126,500 00 Sew buildings, m«g- 1 axine, huspitatg 100,000 00 Additions and improvements to Water Works........... 100,000 00 Volcano Road.- 66,000,00 Road damages*., 30,000 00 ,Forests, park£and nurseries. 25,000 00 Quarantine expenses., ...... 20,000'Q0, Subsidy to Oabu Railway and Land Co...... 14,000 00 Encouragement to Immigra- , tion 30,000 00 Expenses of Registration Act 7,500 00 Purchase electric light plant <5,000 00 Purchase kuleatjruHn Kalawao and Kalaupapa.,,,,. 5,000 00 1 Purchase Chemical Engine and hoKse for same ..:.... 3,000 00 Expenses survey sewerage . system, Honolulu......... 3,000 00 Expenses for placing this loan, not to exceed...... 35,000 00 30,000 00 7,500 00 '5,000 00 ■ « $ 760,000 00 Sk. ru>N 3—The Minister of Finance is hereby authorised to pay out of the money borrowed under this Act, the commission allowed by Section 3 arid the expenses of preparing the bonds and coupons for use. Section 0—The said Minister of Finance is hwreby anthorafed 1t> -er>aky such *TTa«g*«vente et&bfo tbe of bonds issued ts&der the ptovfatotut of this Act to receive the interest duo thereon in Honolulu, or in sach other financial centre or cefttreis as he may deem advisable. Section 7—This Act shall take effect npon publication. Approved ttiia 18th day of February, A, I). 1803. iSigned] 8ASFOEP B, DOLE, 1'reBidenl of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian, Islands. 1 {Signed). J. A. Kino, . ' Minister of tbe Interior. 330S-3t 1467*11 47-8 AN ACT TO E9TABLTSH THE OFFICE OF VIC&-PBESIDENT, Its it Enacted by the Executive and Advisory Ooaftotts of the Provisional Government of tbe Hawaiian Istand?: Sjsctio!!? 1—Thoro shall bo chosen from tbe members of the Advtsory Council a person who stall be the Vice-President of the Provisional Governtoent of tbe Hawaiian r«|«m who opoa thedeath, resignation; disabi. y or disqualification of the President, a 1 . I have and exercise at! the powers laid autl i\j of tb* President, tmti! tbe election of a President, of the removal of sach disability or disqualification. BtcrtOH 3—In the absence of the Prssfc dent, the Vice-President ahull b« ei'offieio Otfelnmui of tbe Exeootl*v and Advisor? OooiKtUs when sitting a* a bodj. Swrnost 3—This Act flbail tal a effect njpor. pobtteetton. Approved this 3d day of Pebrnarj, A. ft. fftigiMNll a B. DOLE, President of the Provisional Government ©t tbe Hawallaa IntandM. •i. A. JiIN«, Hip inter u{ the fulerior. Fswisi&nal Gomtucent of Ike ITawailan Isiaads. ORDER W. VtijaMA bj UjJri No. J U this d9V«ru the right ef Uk» Writ of Habeas r or pe*" •*» ac<] martial 1*w jtm tbroogboul the Oabu, JTsjaflarf tub, tflSB. II sow furtlter orders that tbe r%ht of «be Writ of BaN«t is bectrt>jr re-t»t-»jvd vi 1 U..U utiiUAl la* i# hereby *«* -s'T'V.iH ii at (tek h sud af»«r ?• • * v,f Rondv- day of ?■ ♦>?«•'r*. 1*« r?*b, ISrtli *\mmm B. poijr, Pr*>tdt!«-n!! «.f fSNTVSsrssxn? ' «t the Hawaiian , tty tb« remkteai : i 4*&* mm fj.3 " _ > bf faia-fcr-