The Liberal, Volume I, Number 47, 22 February 1893 — The Unexpected. [ARTICLE]

The Unexpected.

| Teacher—Now, chil(!rtu», I wlH | t a ffory of si boy wl\o | J tjsM t<\ -*o to whool Uke vott do • ( n Th»5 5!tt5e bm babit, | l he *iood «p to re?ite his | ? nf t<rlst!ng a <ert.»(n ftuUon J i <*r hi« coat, &od II ! t ** ff *hfs hahjf Mto in ! 1 lnf th<* que«f!oR4 p a t hlm. H?* ' ; (ea> h<-r hsd nolleM Ihh, at?'J one j f r|ay he *£er*i!y cnntrH*et! Cv euī the 1 ■ s* ft vr : v« n-*f th***v n<?' ! N»w»n fo ery nnd not ' 1 ti. -»nsw<pr a *lngte <tue-tl*o. Th«~ } i «|Rp hf>W hs1(?t 1»\ Af>'l • h«>y. who -<■ • s?t Uf<* frre®it f»ower :t -mal? t-ui~ . toti m»y —that »*<y, my , ui4i4rvr,, -Uaa- r«- y;«n. - \*t . - f:i- ■-;-!■ īht* *h1 ,.irr; r - '-!'•» !'