The Liberal, Volume I, Number 48, 25 February 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BY At 1 IloRti> ACT M. as r i') r.iE office m viCK PHF. 4 'VKN I - Be ir oy »»-*-* fctt<Adrisprj - ir<-Pr- vi-i.,D*! G rgrn--jf tt-r Hawaiian !»!%::-J'" »*rn«* t—'There be civner. from U»e member a of the AdyiAory Council a pertoe wbo siail b+- the Vice-Presidcnt of the Prurisi-wa! 0oTerans«nt- of the Hawaiian Mand*, 'who nyon the death, re*i«nation, disability or disqaalifieatioa of the Preeifont, &hatt bare and ex«rcs«# *1! th* powers &ad authority of the President, until the election of a. Prwideot, or th« rarooral at such disability or divqaalificfttjoo. BgCijosr 2—to the absence of tb« President, the Viee'President ahull b« ei-afficio Chairman of the Executive ,*nd Advisory Council* when uitting 89 a legislative body. gaono* 3~TbU Act shall tike effect upon publication. Approted this 3d d*y of February, A. D. 186$. [Signed] j B. DOLE, Pfv*ki#nt of th* Provisional Government of th« Hawaiian Islands. [8Mjaad} J. A. KING, UioiKtor of the Interior. 43-3 Frovi»ioual Government of the Hawaiian IvUuxd*. OKDEil NO. 3. ■ Whcre&K, by Order No. 2 of this Gorernment the right of the Writ of Habeas Corpus- was suspended And - martial law was proclaimed throughout the Islands of Oaho, January 17th, 1333. It ia bow farther ordered that the right of the Writ of Habeas Corpus is hereby restored and that martial law is hereby sosp©nd«l on said Island of Oahtj, from and after 12 o'clock t tor hi of Sunday* the 5th day of February, 183H. Honolulu, Fob. Brd, 1®3. 8ANDFOBD li. DOLE, President of th® Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands, By the Prosidcut: J. A. Kino, ' 42 3 Minister of Interior. In accordance with Act' 11 now in .effect, Mk. S. M. DAMON, was, this day, uiittnimouftly chosen Vioe-Prosiilcnt, of thol'ro visional GovunuMoOtof tho 11awstiiftti Islands. JAMES B. CASTLii, ijtorttory of the Ex. and Ad. Councils. Honolulu, Feb. 4th, 1893, 32n7I40e-8t 4»8