The Liberal, Volume I, Number 50, 4 March 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

THK ,KNI£MY. —Tfn> lati»«it n&m frotii Wa-hJngt'>n, wfth f}n ir uiK'Xi>eotml ; at liomo, remlfr the royallsts oxt.-eeflingly hupe'ul. Thyy aro already saving what thoy wlī! do ln ease of the resto«t!on of the mooarehy. Kaiulani 18 to appear in Wa»hipgton as a tearful maiden j>lcadlng for the rlghts oi her people, while the I»iht>r p)'t v sumpiivp hoJds a JucratSve pob})r po4)t)f>n tbe nnnwaUon govermrrOnt whieh does not dar<* to hlm U»st ho gtve thlng-i uway/ Tho royatlM nn<l ho'i'lh- oon'l JdSr»» v fl hv all the p'eoj»le vVho aro n<!>t !*attsftod with the 'tnt < »«ionary admin(stration are to ho organi*ed to dotay, and 'ī pos.4ible, fuetrate annex«tiort.' FinaJiy, they hopo to havc a of delegates from Amertcu to inve*tlgato the sicuatton InHawaii. Th« anUannexnttonliiN hope to »how tl*«t tlioy mo the poople, and eouvince the conimtsdloDen thi\t their wisSes shout(i t>e respected. We th!nlc Iho gentlemen of the opposUion &re h{iiit<ilng thelr hope*; on a false; loundation. Jf the Unlted sent a c9&iuitss!on here, H wt«W] " Bcjrfee to how the kanalfft« aad hoodlers feel about annexat!6ti, bnt ratber to exanilne the Tslands as a pteoe of prop«rty, nnd doc!(to tf it were worth ttnnexi»g, After ih«>y had «een the they wquid he .%tisfled that H h nn ex • pret?y aa<! val«ah!e MC c?f twr*ft©fy rtj>ovt acoot<Uugty, TUK FKAKOHIBK. —The liu(ietin t that honorle*s ex-(>igao ehat£es uq« wUh wishlog to diafranehiw tho foretgn inaktng aiueh of an afti<rle merely setttng (ui th the pot«lbte «nd probablo efiects of annexation. Thn prineipie of potttlent wmnners on whioi» iho SluUttin acts prevonts it , frow noting the faet thal tho Lik&kai. wai the ve,ry flr«t afid only *jpaper to rousK ttie nat.īves to the fact that if tbey desUed t!»e franehise they mUBt organl/o and take steps to a t»earlng *t WadblQgion. I prodded Uie natlye* towou»e thftj&j*ns p<it&lea ont tho pn>l|er lliie of aeUoo. Tho TjWfkal the owt an of the tlyUßta»t3 (jfe BtiUct(n chu eijislli* read 1« the latcst «umt>er,—an«l did not condem ni t, further tkan <0 ®t«te the urgnnt/4>rs wished to u«e the '$tttīr fevll«qj£ *«0 W t t t|n. jfHvfStoh|W InU) Tne I!iis^fgent «ot»po«ltsr fej*ttng" ar»d twiewf the |ense ot*eure. t thfct !s tho true of t!i«» *h|l ? uK>vsmewt« The aft«r 'mas)[ii>g *** thoir ltelult<>ng pur«vitt <>f piun<l< r «*xpecl Ā6d <h«tr own grepl&: ii| lo forgotlen ot the r{evlgoresceo? hftke'f o? Ihe n*|fv« lowanl the ml«fonarle& <>n ««****& !| of Ihe B<icrlfiee ol ( the | inUtpeuvkaw. The t a |v«mt w«w tliy ol %»!s p tbo «h|gf rmmn why tlie _ Immh) | t» \simmlii ,tl« th# fti th#i I» aa $ ml Uwat t*tee AWrkā«is 4m Ukii , I * ™*rm y «poae th® ■ MnmK firigr«4 aloY«ru]«ftflw yf jy|pir •it«hery »a»ko« btyiuUx' llis #®k:i vf

| freaty. Tt >mt that tbe plan- | i»fe lo 5-ii<r benefits of slavey s j aa<l a W<Ub:-. Thc- An er ih sk- l H* k '- ,g s&> I Übor *yptēm t *•> t" Tt ; i*eru*i.'kiy wiU t«f, whak-ver the- j > I vf«ion« of tfes trosty ar<e Tbc -WmiBke* a fWR cula«3 ' laīm lhat if thi-> he»-omes. AmerSeaii s o'S the pfanter-> aiust have the sanKbooDty as othtr AmeHean j»!antpr<t. ' :Aa sood as thls ls AmeHean s®R. tfaen? w!!! t«? ono'ne'w » on<iltion. Itinhabftants wfU be free wen, aml j there will be'oeither »lavers' r ' in-J voluntary servitade excei»t for nūme , mloag%s the ihirteeoth amendaient 1 stands as a part of the Const!tut!on. The onsi advantag« the Hewalian ■ planters wlll have un<ler any treaty . y: !aw wli! the cost!lne.-3 ane! <Jelay inefden( to ob(aining a <Jeelsion o( thf Unitexl States coarts. The conU»et labors tmy not be ab!e pmeticaily to obtain the freedotn guan»nteeii to everyoDe on A>neriean soSl be(oro tbetr eontmet« explre In ilue coarse,- but the eontract kbor system i8 klileU. Tho planters have got more ihan they barfc®i»ett for, an<l the misslonarles wIU !earn iq s!mrt or<!or fhat the jgreiit RepubHe is not run fn the interest of any elass or ciique. The inission<irlos are going to be tho «tddeat and most obseure eitizen> !n this is!and territory about ayenrbenee. j

WHERi: WE STANI>.—T he great i»u ri>ose of Thk Liberal has i>een a»s>exat)oi) lo the U)>iieii Stato.s. T)mt )s iha greu\. ob}eti ol the Provl.stonrtr Government ? As tong ns thc adniinistJfation Ss woi'kītig honestly for that purpose we are bound to support theoi. Their sineerity. in' earrlng out the plaa has never heen questioned; but it h ovident that the advisors of Kaiulani think that a guaranty of thrct, jcu undisputed supromacy wouM yo fur to\var<l recoueiling thu ui 4 iouaiiea to a uuonarehial form of «overunieut. But # from what \vu ean iyju;u n ihe eomm|ssioucLS at % i 'ashinto!i are not tilaying annexation beeause all ey hoped to :-ecure is not granted tb.em. If their expeetations of a missionary inillennluni are !)tiahted an<Lltev •» <•<) thc- generai bonefit of wilbwut a bonus by way gf a bounty, and they hold steadily lo thoir purpo«e, Uien we *Hiy thut they are doserving of all praise. But if tlie seheme to have Doie a~f gover«oc au<l tlie A<lviaory CoancU a* n and Iho S»i>ie»)D Coniri īm a j«diciary ware re]eeted, tho cūss would he differou(. We woukl uofc llke to hnvo the gentlemen of the Provir,!onat C?ovornraentpiU tosovere a temptatlori:' Tiie Lihpkaī. will do noth!ng to lnjure the oause, oven if we are disappo!nted by tho re?usftt of the poople fn power to reeognlze ot>tigations and reform ahose«. Tjtk Lihekaī 'h in aceord with tho maJority of tho Arivl«tnry eonnoll, nnd the support of ftt! the peopW \vh<> through tho rcvolutton. Our oHt!ctmtß rfrf admttted to Ih> aml our !? rocogn!zed .stra!ghtforward and onn.jiMent vvith t!ie prtnctptrf of the party. The Lti;ekat,* has heon rooognis',ed by the peop*p. Tt enjoys a da!!y !ncreas!ng prttsperlfty. We iwetve t!ie mo9t ffattev*ng evtdenop." of the osteem 1n whkh ot»tr pap*»r U hetd, not only from pMpfr h< , huf from at»jv»ad awf m»fn vf«rtfor.t !iere. We f«et ! Kn<t :<re mdy to 1 trp the l!ght Rg>tinHt fhe *ofßcfat ola»"* Wh#fe-v¥r they heft!n to fasten thetr ptoyp«« t*ntaote*, thinj: 0»al, & a »i>um be t>eUer tv> have ypc€i> loi; &uā *wi lli<s aro tUe euu; .~,i4e**Uv vt&W 1 ainy pkl- - of t»oue!*t, *jn3( tt*ey proi#M thi>y «i» uot ca~e for ls!cc l they ,irv» *o<»f The \ibertWr N.ay<? ttwi t|i ~ 4H>intwie'it- only cm*b aii«ji hitkrn<'—. T( U t-«tter «pt t.j -iuynn-. at »H. ' A< "the *'itreßi« vlrtuaus purSy uot i« %po!L # U »dvoa6to th« »dvfMbß'% ot isttport!>ig offteW* s and W avold* toc*t jo«!oa*.!%• ;. The I.ihekal wt!! » īi'-w -*3u}-i m tkU %um' Ū%'~i ;r; f i ' yUarh-r $b y>;u,- t | .tjQU |Wi^v I lOlWi^.