The Liberal, Volume I, Number 55, 25 March 1893 — D. L. HUNTSMAN. [ARTICLE]


The cowardly assassißation whieh' j resolte<l in the «Qtimely death of this young raati has aioueeei a geoeral indiguati»D, It ißdenounced bs the raost oold-blooded murder coneelvable. „ I The flolowinff biography written by the deceased gives a <?lear insight ioto hi« character: : , '»The proeess of making tjast steel was invented by Benjamin Huntsman In 1740. The "Encyclopedia Bnt»nī>ica" states tbat he wei a Germau, born in 1704, and began life- as a watch maker, In the state of the arts at that time tbe dS«covery was of the greatest importance. The story has been often told of how the process was guarded as a priceleas and how jt was fo«nd oot by a workman of a rlval manufactory disgufsed as a tramp Xp who obtaJned perxnlBslon on ā' wiater night to eleep before the farDances (See f Steers Fourteen Weeke in Chemstry.') Two jsons of the inv«ntor eame to Amerlca in 1761, One of them was at Bennington in the %var of the Revolution. The ot|ier f f?ettled in Kentucky and |icb and fat by thd D3°ans »o in fa\ v or in Hiwaii -a plantation and s]ave?. | Hls son lt a divine eall to preach the gosp he founded Methodlst «lSBlons in Missouri, and converted tbousand* to Christ. He ??ett!ed in Benton County and bad a family of four sons. >. When the Rebolliou broke out the sons went snto the Confederate army. ,T. A, Hunt*«* man fooght in the ranks und6r Oeneral Price. After the war he w#nt tb Austin, Nevada, where he | i pwioMee* hts pfofe?sion to 1 his day. I T.. Kunt'"nnan, hn son, Wi«*> | b»rn on tbe fhmi!y «īomaln in > i Tlentort County, Ml?sourU was edu-! ! c«trd Rf. the Ctint6n , Academy, | ! CJinton, M!s»sourt, taujjht «ehooi » { Jnr «lx years \ri Aa«tin, T\\ehmonā, | | and other tjpwns, and | | «*tttdted w!th Tudge McKenney; I !»prnt tw«> year<. minin# In Tdaho, |r>ne teach!nfr H Ca!!fornla > iuul iq |an <n*n mo\nent yiel<le<l to the ( m!gratorv lnrt!nct and ongaged to | thp TTawa!t«n Board <>f Kducation; ! taflpht "ehool twn veai * in Hawall, ! wa«! a<lm!tted to fhe twr by tlie fiufrfime fVmrf of fhe Hawaliun ! T"lando, nnd at (>r*;.t!hing 1»w lr» TTonolutu,V Th«t ls« Ihe outHoe of T>, I* Hunt«man*s Hneage and record. Moof the faets ean |bc found fn referen= e Tkx>k- ?n thc \ ! Honoluln T,!brftry'. | | «*1 lmvc a documeut stgucd by i Uie Oovernor imd i ut Tn*tructlon of [ ■ NcvadH, that uiiod J ! Wa; at tlni* ;!£«*>) iu good J ' "onler, ?>m! suffic!et!tl,j-! aar<' l with lnforu*atlon !r j , Ui(tor* ni branche.- t»f k-amīn#, Tn J | uaUvw ut Angle- } <"0, Of on*> jhuuiad uud fh?rty-SViM | fryuri-\ f »f t!io t*nit<h! ?tat». ! 1 übUSatd ihe totn! Hijm»H'r > !a( eeeAilu, ml e.i.Miila?- - f av>tJ(rVL<<}f AU h.ī!il Wf« r*?. . r iW { ! "* 'W nH n wh'* | TTx»} [km heto. t>vcr.l: .• ;! i'

rua wilh ir.oun»lret? £fOBi jastictr/* ! . Tfae Jecvas€'l *x±< * . a§e a: the liaie oi Im 4 WU<* ( imyplaa(eti ia>V.c "<re*it I Aiuerkaa ,jf the u«ua|l>e i arra> e<l hitn«e2f as ihe | the «.'D»lave<l f dowa-troddeii Sn* j trs •* ?abottrrs. Hfs whole tMpt [ | wa- ;trrangeil In ->ppo*ition iole j tyraunicil desp iU-in of thc • drive?\ *<ut owīojf to their powwgal . his struggle to free ttoe | unfertunaU'% froni thelr i j provcv! īn %-ain. ; | "As E<iitor of Tiie jfee , ; deceased made oiauy frīeada. Ia ' | fact everyone lioi too bigotedto, i appreciate a nian w*hose gui<ljßg ' is truth, wa> hls !rieu<L | Likē ali meo, hi» jutJgmeat I have ened in aowetbtngs, eiill whea f |he feU himaell in the righl, he j i iayariably pursued the liiie of iih , ; deci>ion, notuithstundlDg- tbat ia ; ! inaov ij>stance« his course jeopanJ- | | ized personai welfare, He W4» , ; iadeed too plain anel outspoken | a man to prosper ia Hawail | | Many years ahead of his tiu%e, | I he was one of that class of feārles«, | j upright men so rarely fouud, never ; | rewarUed, but sorely needed. |