The Liberal, Volume I, Number 55, 25 March 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


KAW.UI AT OS€E. , piaee ia ' nW l//e <.iueea_ Ua-: ōe<ia<ie-j {W® ae I 4 j-roviiioua[ government. | eflA6lishe<l. The ne%v govemmeat j L'nlieu .-?iat-ed to anaex j of islands. Kere is a fjdplion that «jfrect!y concerui.-{he j ?rcjK' e' HawAii and ihe peopie of th«t?njtp<i Iti dea!iog \v!th j thft 0, tn > n;hcr • >"ii>ideratiou j .-aoil'' h- entertaintHi. īt is not i!>. j '.r-?«r :;>,.ort;'n i' the p-ope-ilion Kaglaod, Ra^ia t or Germaay. The question was uot.?ubmitted to the goverament of Ha*P- ft'is the I*nited an " ** tlu r^iK > asl -' '- f our i.> iiot iueli a= ĪJo meet i4fafeyieys oi the ? f<;ople seeklng they jjre:«r to ®eek' au j ».ebewhe». Ttie afetitude of j ! lWWg7i powers shou!d not bi a'[oweti! the judgemen| of the > naiiou. Pendiug the iMWMations for ar.nexutioa, Hawa# shouid not be menaeed by *ssmgn irou-eiads. The representaof ihe governmeat ,ert ai n|v be free, ,to act ,■ Iy>u; r&jtraiut. It may cleariy 'HHg<loty of the United rftates to ?|wfect Hawaii frotn foreigri aggres--3K pending the settlement of the m** lnvolved. ; Wbwj Eaglaud wdati <ia isiimd rnt>" Av- ;ie, a"A'Lilu naUpn» f'ortiūe>3 Mx>iQs ;3t. She 6isyume? thai the garth beiongs to her. She em|js|?Bdij»tomacy in dealiag with and uses foree to eompeī ol®Jieace *roui the weuk. To her tI»J pO»session of the Hawaiian ei6ber as & ruler or a party iip'lliterest, woukl be regarcled as a ggest prize. It woukl add a strong nalln her ehaln of sentinel3 that eoclrt!e« the earth. It woulu make JStf pOsltJon In the £aeifie almost a? ,s&<|pg,as her i>resent poailion iu She may assme that Aokmlia aud Cana<la are a> elosely (K>mmercially to Ihe ī-lands of the group as the TJnited Stat«- f &®fc stinee Hawaii ha« not sought to? either Cauada or Alfera!la, the assumption <hould e«rry riu weigiu, That Englsnd will roai aiui sent of to Hawaii may h> JKpected. That ahe wili endea*a (r<£nk Freuch and German itttsrests against annexat!»>n of the g«up to the Ūnited Btate-> Is highly ptim> but \ye apprehend that t&s $ttited>States is now in a poiim'p confront a Euroi>eau aliianee wfth *>me degree nf eonāuenee In to oialnlain her.rig!ih. Hawaiian question is above

p*r|£. It appeal» to the -ienae of ttfcdptfsin iu our peopie- We, 8l&ld deal with it Amerie,tuw'HK*l»tere«t of the gener.»tK>n, «dlt gftiēratlons yet to eoiue of A|ierieany. <ide iueh as iioualiea) foriu of territorial { and exUtiuij lalwr eon-' NmB»'ln'Hawaii shoul<i aot be| albwe<l to obseure llie uiuin prep&sitjk>n- Our naiiou M-vwity mil!i<nH #|iiople requires an imi>ort»nt <ju?wk'M Q»e Pac»fic. The eommer«M|mwUi of the t.<"iQtry <lemanJ-\ . sijtlCJo lbc "'iwrtuuity to ii' eome» so tiuiely, tUere hfesitatiou !p 4eeepti«g. [ ly whie?. üßUex.'.* ifiSBr 11»# srmex īīaw.i ; «i : :1 v -l'- . • ' < j£jfcpyera&i«at. He*iUti» n .»• thh wouhl rvgarJf-! ,' 4 -r«,»-i a • nt '' R<»f ter atij Uk < f r*">v'lu;" *•' yfc|ifc# m:t oi PwaiUonl Hurn-jr«*- . «r •; ••►•.. ;y ;:'Jh «f tf>' -i''ri: < f Jaykwa ie fstc»\6e -

v ' : s :n i t :< r! ->* \ir., ~'tAttr \ i ir:!< :!•,* ;>.?a teīfted c s arag;e and <..tpu , ity. ' 2a <jf foroicJAb:o Brit:-h: fortidc3.t:oa- V. E^iuioaaK,, tbV| Urutc-d -*tate- sho*aM a->t oni\' aaiaes > Hawaii but pSant breech-1 loadicg rta«d oa every I CG<rimAQ<iiug position in the group. | - "■ * * Tb« LegisLi4.ure, iu vitsv of.tbe , i>robab!e aanexatiou ol Hawaii, : ahouki len<i the Navai Reserve c»f the Xational <»uar«i of California every ēnoou-nigement pos»ib!e. Ii I is well to be prepared for aotion. |* * • i . Westerx SoLnrER £īliic>y Libekai.: Please say whet)ier 3lrs. Dominis js drawing- moaev out al the puliue (and- at this time,'by the direet aetion or eoosent of what īs ealleel the Provisi6nal Govemment? li so, by what right? U uu<ier no right, then ujader what posaible pretease of policy, of other a!ieged reason? | Tbe writer having heard it 'eonimonly repofted that sueh are bein<r o? have beea made, ujade inquirie? of memhew of Advis;rry Council. Some ({ dida't kuow, ,v others wouldn't say: none admitted it: ooe chalianged proof. aa some one suggested, the oiigareby are keeping tm eye set tqr a sdft spot to fall upon, in case ot & re»toratiou. And the grear and 33»ewJly acQOirf-d aloha difpiayed for the fafther apparent (wou!dn f t faifcer prmempth*€ be the more proper tenn?) seems to emphadize this view. Serioudly, Slr, does such malappropriation of the puhlie fands tend to help the eause o3E annexation In the nQinds of the people of the XTnited States? IX<it'IRER. .