The Liberal, Volume I, Number 58, 5 April 1893 — LOCAL TIPS. [ARTICLE]


KLam FtUSey &\'ening »* -an** 1 * thP lewM» *>egar.. T* !a a t-' d«V«» ** J ; ♦- **- - ' m. * w Fped KaileyT Ku »-v .m-l f jjgo> Kiutge! af th«- V- <• >£ ?tatT jJWk paurt in tat-' r* v- lu;! <n. B< - pintr me«ly <joys oveAook«""! thrnt itwo Isfrue'-jj3p«. i 1 <J&jptain ī.irry ;f thv Hre | Poiiee ha; t«ri't«.-re-l.' t:i i-" 1 •? thē I PlPe Poiīep Hall, t-orru r T'or: And yfetel sts., lo thf Anne:v4tifr. C!ub, Plktlr|lte(*e of |*.'.tri«Hism >>;: īhe p;trt l<rf Gaplaio l>ee U in with bn I BetkM»sdoring ih«>tFots >m* «. The boys fn»m tht- V. K R. Cott®r 4< Rush > ' ,*alt<="? iti «t the An- : nexation < lub room. Th-y ver.t all pre»eoted wlth /tu>> a? |weoient'>«s of tiuiīr iri|i. Uaek' number~ ■>( Kn Leo—Joho ?Ē. Bn-»h ,fc: p*per, >iKmnd \vith ;iltbv [aUu«io«> to R<>yalty, and tuor«s «»s--ipeoialiy to "WllsooAnd sii- Qoe(?n/ f Braun a populai* ''kamaaioa"has succeeded E. H. K. AVolter- in tbe ' toahogement «>f tWe Royal Sa!oon. The "weople" think that »'ither Max Behīemmer <>r Fī. A. Juen would be prefērrab!e t.» Marhn, aa Deputy Mar-fhal. They caonot underī?t;tnd \vhy thīs nian -jhould lk* pitehf<>rked into offioe, «» it were, over the iiead> ofTeliable ami efffcient ofiieers. ■