The Liberal, Volume I, Number 58, 5 April 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]


the P Ct. mean by . ||§||g * ūftonthly >4lary of $. r >00 lo T*oe= ?hf per?orm aafr ®6rviefs *vorth tiiat amount? as Wt know >htr is uofit to •©WaDv i-,-9 -itL<.t» tvhistv»ever. She frjfefc|»a dbcbatj;e<t frora a h!gh )Pj|Kjor jj)3scoDduct at)d «ioee:. n<f ehūm īor anv xilary'" of lPpen | 'l from Ū\e sovprnQjeat at urt, V .M - ;h:-< s!iois tu>t poverty; rstri«st.r \'i- j {i - >.-", cm]y anbpie| pāy for her [wi andjj3b,j enoogh to inrlulge in all| I>iJI|giSes and eomiort of ilfe. She! le&Ee? u .•ipleiulli] 'i> by a score of 5>ervaQtsj hoi'ses J and vavnftgcs; and the Holomua, a stab!ej anel otlver ka~ hU&~\vh*t mor« Uoe.'i *he want?| Shf, well o*F ;uk! neeri« no support fH®ct]sritable peop'.e. Wo finfl i>ttached ,to the offet 3 y-jy monihl^^ala^' that amounf s|iould be p»ij to her only durfng good beetc. Thi- L\tter elaim is —offering to an al> sotw uaele— p«» v in a -?a]ary of 50C iW||pfr uu>uth tor gootl behavior, 4(S$We huvo her *tatutes prōvid< tngyt»tn pona!tles for ull offenrleri Miqgi&u'gre«gors of the !sw, and •*tMNhr i*i no resf«et©r of per«oeal or poor, htgh or low~| ?houM i#> equat before melor, if >1?'. Dominls persi.H in her treason - tho Oov ■ mK, then haul her up befOfo thmi- of ,TustIee and deal with he ■ 4gdjpfDg to law;,but do not offe: faeSboti«s for ah->£aining from f vit Tt PlAT ISSTITrC.