The Liberal, Volume I, Number 59, 8 April 1893 — NOTES [ARTICLE]


A- P. Petereon was appently qalte wftllnr to art»pt the aiw»e of decent and prosperoae ! pap«rs !n tinaes past, Bat he tho4ght tt» "Lt!ber&!" editor ple far h!8 eating a«id he went a«er him wlih a war:rant. Before Arthar f;ets thronfh I eating this pie, he wIU have a «I »th»t will exile him snre enoagh. j sFpfeoJsterer erst whUe gilaywright ii* i a receot coroixmnseatinn to a[ royaltst Uheet, for oalling hina a NorthT of | Trelar(<* Aastrallan. He indjulge« I» 1 rl»kftcatjoh aoel abu%e. • All of thfs |goe» for DothjDg, Mr. Crowloy. | Nothmgr we asserte<i was denied by \ you. nothing we deaied w«s aasertied bv you. The raaUer 3taiids Jost ' where U di<t and voa r an hobest aad UeapaMe <ri?t*»n ans a wetl wisher !?or Hawaii arc wh'at you ofcgfcr «o r

bf», aii antl-aunex3fīo«?*t. 'Vo» *m-.««aie-ienl of a pufctfc characif»r U> bf» citei a? an example and rtaert rwt be assurcd hy* m that r"jtntng w»? j?ald rdeaot to <letract fwjm voor character as ain hone»t and| a eon--Bcientious man an»l e!t.lz?n. Argo« ment ftnd not abn?f> 1« what : we aim for, howoTftr f we shal! be g!aot to hear argomfent frora yoa or any other' ahtī-!mn€Tat!onf*t.