The Liberal, Volume I, Number 61, 15 April 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

A roBRKHroNrjEN(T. 0f a ehoiene naiutv, croj>t Into our co!umns tast iwiae. througb <'ar<less{KM=(, "We • tor their rotontion hi officc of royalist*, and antl-am>eyat!onWs and t]bat a greaf (leal of thlv il!saaUaeaelion- ia Ju*tlflftMc, l)«t, for th»» sakr of «ppo'ai'nnoo, wo woll rofrftin, m lonjf m we ean, frora 3prlnging a leak, or beHovlng Itko a beßr wtth a sore hea<3. W<» elo not (lespalr of annes:atlon, t»«t on thō oontrary, feoi posttive that t*ncU> will novor rol«ase hts grip upon thoso The <«birth uf an in«iopondcnt ropnhiiefor nnwiiii" i- «lmpiv-«-o nnK'h #übbish. ,Thifi country| c«n neyer preBervo itH indopon<lcnt nutonoroy. It« a <jae«tlo» nt mnt>xi\tion or emigmthm: J1 wp aro oot the "haole" mu*t *»roparo to ipj\ve *s thero wtlt i>e notliing t'o roniftin for. Btar-vation and barlmrfsui aroby no means onticing. Wk aro a rabt»i annoxMionbt. W« wout<i thro\v our*olvo< ut tijo i fflot of our i<}r« i at Ni'lghl»ur, it- n Mip- \ ptlc«ttt; maklng no un*lght!y ox- \ htbition «f a «Mwolloil h»a<r 4 l\v V<fnmanding that thl<|or that V provl?Ion ho in tho j Vaty. t*al!ing Torpitorial gOvorn- j KriV)t,in Amorkan !ProUvtorat<> !<*! f»r vrefi?rablo t > (ontoDiplat<yi; Thi* !nv.i: u-i iiyt>ntono' -ot for j th«* Kiunlun wiU ♦he.^amo: 4Mjuallty wi|h «ny rt"«i<!eut j Amerl.'iut • j Wb elo no liial the Ma??Oßic ortlōr hāil directiy auything U' '!<> whn HmuhH.ui pollUe* It 1« « purely frsiornāl t.r<loi, aml tbo ru!es au<l of thc or«ier PWHo<«e lt frou» «o. Whlle it ifl truo thnt t,here |a|ro tuupy offic4 h»lctor- «l>n arv Imuiu» tbcr« an» many im>iul>«t< -i | U 4U «ra«t who l»ftve bftftn r«muvkl. WUilo, tk« d«poA«il sujx>riofi iii< ui ut \Vator W«rkf* a uia«>i »jah>o -Vsliiey iho «t£f«Miod Mar«h»i. l|ityt».o an*i Rasma* ter an *ic relaīatOl ln but it is uf uther retSOtt# thau tiiiit t) f |th«ir tx>lyuglOg Ms«d&ic vrd l 11 It &hoa!d lf a |»«s |hat iUts dst dir« to tak<* a f akH, m au wsja ū- »« t*4K) :jjl iui*ttcrs, U WD$Ut c€rtaioiy ct qftn *n t-aiiy u* mm*n o/ U»#ir puit |Ti«atigo lft D& W&t'dl « hui iy, < u4m\ūg 1 '■/

I iow i''T haell«' , tural ao<i tfee ( hij(hrh*r*> t»-r-of n.>-ml#r* t Fr«ej { Maiw>nry f w*- U3tj« ur*ru*- wil! never f j demea» uuxlng In otbēr j m*tt»r*. ! ■ ;We have rioeh to cbste«<l agaiast iheie* irritafln|r <lays, '3?tijHnene§?, hlaefc»tidiog, \n <ur o»"R mnk»,' boiītiHty an-1 <re;ich<ery ia the ranks of oar oj>pontnt"!. In ihe naldst'of aii thi*, Pre«ident lknt? eāme* oat wllh hi« e-«y. <vHigber c4-}ticiim oi Uie Bibie.'* President Ik>le eanooi su [>pre->"> his isered£tery aii*»iouary inst{ncis. We have. pot., ,h»4 t;?n- lo read his "Higher Critt6l«na eie." We. have been tod b|^ : un4ohjg ihe vi)biJ}ooa aeU ol sqioe of hh subordiaatej. We have noī had time to cead thia Biblic&{ e»*ay far we have been et3aployevi pack£ng h gu* around, It ma>" be thal hls »n-jy will i>er.suaāe Mrs. Ooniini-? to (oaoe inio the annexation, foE<I, It may !>«* that tln» theological nonaenae will $eeure t« our cau?e, \Vri b 'ht, nnd other ru>|iljsu who are sucking Uiepublic.bre'iist to obtain anti-?»nnexation »trength. Xow ho*et»tty, Vour Excellency f and witho.ut uny wish save for your own gnod, do you not think (hat e»says 011 what benefit> annexfttioa would bring are of inoxe Uee io t&e?B tri>ub!e sonie times? A Bible is goo<l i-n its plaee—so is a buil®t. A buiiet put you and thirteen others in offiee,' aii(i a builet not a Bibie wiii keep you there, *«Highēr of RevoJutionary MettioU.V wou|«l be intiniteiy better f<>r thetu just now, Vonr Exceiienry. \Vhy not try it? ■ Bsnot> \ has not denied the Hev. S. E. Bisiiop's areusation that the eheir :md congregation of the very Engiisii Hi^hop flock,; wcre winteii with kahunai«m. \ Whom dtd the Rev, Bi*hop mean?! Tbi.«» is a rather «»eriou» insinuatk>a | to make for the very Kev. WiUh has lā!x)red long and earzieatly for hl# natlve pHri.-*hfoner.s, We have \ looked for a direct rejoinder from 1 j him, but so far he has xxiaintairied a j | digoifled sHence pn the kahuuaj ! topic. He certaini>' do«s : not ae- ! knowledge that the Testas, Wrights or Nowieiiiā believe in kahunaism? "" o( the Eif£ttsri hurea wouki «xhibit a IHUo more manliness pln h(s conimonts regarding the present conditiona in hjis An#lican C hronicle. He *s in a niost ungraeefui i>oBition sitting bestride the leaee whieh »ept>rate r'oyaUsts and ! annexat!onists. Ttoere is no man in Honoiulu, for whoeu there is sueh a. unlveraal afTeetton ao for Reetor ! Macfeinto«h. We, do not ti»ink tliat | anyone's affection would | if he would stop his wishy-washy way of disettssictg the important | politicai sittsatfot\, 1\ NUttleI ing and as ohe cannot p}ea*eevery-j j botty, why cannot the good Rector j j eome out, does hls Bishop, and 1 | deelare himself, He ?urelv has as | mueh right, We know hi? ■ ments, and that at heart hē is an j ardent annexation! t an l thorough-1 ly oppo6ed to Uu Btsh|>i eourse. | Uis ehildren are edueated lu the! iSUU*s. Hi> eongtegatPbu eotuprise* ( all tho tt >ervic€s, lu fact he is asj good an Atnerican \i- we want., Wheu the ehureh here lo»es it> eon-j ueeilon with royalty and Knglau<i, and joius' the <?pUeopal churoh ofj the UuiUni States, we wouM like to, i»ee Ue< tor Maekiutosh lx*cotue Bbhop he <ihould, and bave his nami' handtni down to (>oAterity «iUi thoso of other goo<l Aiueriean Biahop«, sueh as Brooks and Potter. H. W, e. I*kkt Pktlbs«on was the reclp»ent of many*JeongratulaUons over the oukowt of his slogging eontwt with Thia ī9 the m»cond ttmt >lert has knoeked out hi-» man: the ljirst t l>elng billiardL»t Howe, whom he posi»hed ?»everel,v in ooe eonse<. uHv® rq«nd f Marque* o*dooseberry rt&tes aome time ago, Bert will b«ve a h«ariojf d>efore Skjuire Fo-ter »B*t Monda\ . Wk «iviee the Uanktiatent of Ma. iKualnh; the obnoxiou9 antlaaa»x«tioni9t l4d> . who d.wolls at W«ihiagtou PUeelo Kalalau, Kauai. w governmeQi i>ropexty atid & jl«tirasto loealiop tor a party t«Uring worid. f vUlaUmiu* flith that ths eoupe* tmux tlio T ' : I; '

rp-aī 'li'iue, mā the inenHl* goM * p!ated, ft«tt **' __ ; v | Thf Ewoiag Cotpm fe f l-.rī«l bv the royal fiTfe .lnfrite* aga!n-t Americ»n aM* a'ik-j It preseofs 3Wcti & ; s}ctly appearßnce, hovs"evcr, We wUI tirtt gJvte it a vpr>* seTOft' ] ing kfok. TrtK dlsappenrance cf "His Ex"tcll<?ticy, 4 ' a- a trtle to H-ters atsd cthers !•? a hopefol sfgu of ■ [ the |>revall!ng ascēndatiry of npttv*> ; iiean *j ; mpli'MTy. {■ I>f3fK7>ī-4TELY sfter the eleelion lof the preseat īloaA Board fbgr ■ errat'ic ;\n<t tfJ- h.cnorab!e cotirse |»ave ( Mrth to a de*ire > wfth!a the ' mnk- oī tbe Liheml Pftrtv whieh ! hftfī them to petition the !' TjegiMature to repeat theßcadßoard | Act. Thi> kanaka Legfctatare was • so thoroughly corrupt that nothlug ■ eouki be <lone. Thf. LIBERA7. | woulii. suggest to the AdvJsory | Couneiī the urgency of an infitnGdiate I repea! of tlie Itoad Board Act.