The Liberal, Volume I, Number 61, 15 April 1893 — KALAKAUA'S RETURN. [ARTICLE]


I IX. ONE Acr. j Scene —The Palaee. Time, 1- | midnight, Eoter ihe late King, j wbol ?tirveys mterior wlth g!oocuy j emotioo. and fcnoelss at the door, | Door opens d:<clos'ing. Hh Kx— jthe Hon.; the Major; the JJoct4jr; 1 ('ol. 1 : Coum:-ilor and others !lgbting over the disposal of royal relios. K.—Well boy«, howdv, homly, and have rou given awav evervj thing now? The Hon., the Major.—Pretty near.vouV Majesty: all that i«n't nalled <io\va. i K.—And my hulahuk dar!ing£ r I auhea makoa? The Hou., the Major,— {weeping3 Gone, "where tbe wo o d-b in e twinetb,' J vour M*jesty, K.—AnU the muek aß<l stenfh of former gr;i?uleurV Tbe Hou., the Major.—••< leaned out by haole t>robiii-," your;Majesty. K. —< with an effort) Is there any oid »4uare f<u# left? / j Tbe Hon., the MajDJ.— | The dri-i hnnthed have 53n:sho<I Jt." | &. —(sigh® fceavīly) Tbi> i- hii <i»ed d Wv;eful day, ■ Vani- | Slow ;"uus;c. --'v'urtaih-