Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 9, 20 January 1890 — MR. GREENE’S KANAKA! [ARTICLE]


j Tlie governraent sheet is very mocb i exercised over tbe fnct tbat a street jrumcr iz circnlat'on to the cffect ! tliat R. J. Greene, a candidate ou thc [ g«.»veiunieijt ticket for had dd*. ; ciared he "\73S t*>« 6rst to k»ll h kanaka on the 30th of Ju!y." The ; goverßinent newspaper denies the cbarge that Mr. Gi*eene kilied the Jirst kanaka, but adds with great siin* | plicity, <4 that thongh physicaily disabled, he [Mr. Greenej was fonad in i the very fore front tbat day doing his ! duty as a good citizen.'' We sūppose even the Advertiser will not object to onr defining the words 4 his duty," in i the "above sentencd, as "trying to shcot a kanaka;" and we therefore fu.il to see -how it makesany difference Ito Mr. Green*B position whether it wat thei .tirat kanaka or thp last kaqa* ka or an intermediate kanaka who stoppcd or drd not stop ;Mr. Greene's bullet!

But while the A<ivertiser denies tha| Mr. Greene said he-kiiied r the first kanaka, there is aii open admie4sion that Mr. Greene intended to kill one, il he got the ehanee, Feelitig doabtloss that soch aigameut<was weak, the Advertiser in its usual mauner personally atUcks Mr. T. B. Lueas 011 the strength of said rmmor about Mr. Greene. Mr. Lneaa is person|JJy at~ for rct>fiirins3: the —whieh by iit«* way w«a duiie by MeaaiH. B. More & Co.—in his eapa* eity of meehanie. But auppoee Mr. Lucas to have done the job, is it any more than any other meehanie in Honoiulu wonld do to*day, il so ordered by the preaent gOTerntneiit?— | nnleaa, perhaps ( meehaxiies should, after past experieiiee with tho "exi*t ing adminigtx&tion," refuse to do

oa ihoa* g»tii iad bm ot-*Swtl—flt-'(»anir lin al Uw-aMi* JtaM;ftods^l£ i«ged ~b ftzrio«dbg" w«g goisg oa ! . : Tli>i«i> nn |inli<im>l ■M|wl>i>iilmii ' 10 Mr. T. E Locm, who did aet do . • tb? Terk, t*nr io ¥ww» /H ' » Co.» who did,not get pnid for (biiig ' 11 The men who were tifoed «ad 4id ■ ■ their woiie *ocoidi&g to oontmet aim* t«y rli«l iheir * flbty ; ilie i&en "isflio refu»ed to, p%y for eaid work aittpiy £oilowed their oei&al oonrse and politi« eal inclitmtion withoat trying to do their pnHtio*l dnty or ofSoial iuaUee # to iha meohnniea employed. We *iay wpon no "hall healeei wounds and Bmoaldering p&ssiotis" in oon* olading th*t Mr. Greene tried to shoot kan&kas and that the attaok made npon ti*e meehaaiea, who re* | pairod the palaee gaiee withont pay, |hasbeen a stralgbter politioal sfaot ! againet Mr. Greene than probably «rere Mr, Chreehe*a shots against the kanakas!