Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 11, 22 January 1890 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

2d Dfsfrlct 9 2d Precmct!| lIONOLULU. j I Reglstrat!on of ,Voters'. ... ; The lk>aru oi'-.lnspectors of Ēlection i for the 2<l rreeiiiet, 2d District, Ho i nolulu, will meet £or Ilegistermg Yot- ; ers and corrocting the Begistor, at | the Po]ling Plaee for said Preeinet (Hon. W. H. Jiicp's . Iku n, Sehool street), cn FliIDA\ ; Jan. 17tli, from !7to 0 p. m., on BATUKDAY ; Jan, 118th, from 3, to 6 p. ra.; at Eugine | Co. Ko. 4, on MONDAY and TUEB- - DAY,- Jan. 20th ( ancl 21st ; from 7to 9 ! eāeh evehing.'' - Mcctiiigs will bo held at aboTe tplaces on same days of the weeks and at same houfs until further uotiee. Voter> will please bring their Tax Beeeipts with <hem. . ;Jonathan mīw y H'tf. * : -eāiaiiman. Registration of Voters. | 4th DJSTRICT. Ist PREC(NCT. j HONOLULU, OAHU. ; riIHE INSPEOTOOS OF ELECT[ON £or the First Preeinet of Distriet Four will n>eet at the oiHee of M. D. Monsarrat, Cartwright Building, Mer- ! chant streel, opposite Postoilice, on iSATURDAY, Jan. 18th, from 1 to 9 j p. m. ; on MONDAY, Jan. 20th, from J4to9 p. M. Kotiee of any further |meetings will be gi\en at i\w above ] meetings. All voters when registering are rej speetfullv reqne*ted to bring their Tax ! receipts, The First Precinet of the Fourth , Distnct comprise,s all that poi tion of j said Dktrict lying west of Nuuanu ; street. M. D. MONSAEBAT, Ohaiiman ot lnspectors of Eleetion, l*t Precinct, lth Dbtrict, .13-td