Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 16, 28 January 1890 — RACE PREJUDICE AGAIN! [ARTICLE]


The "existnig adminLstratlon M through their speci&lorgan, the Dail3 Tiines, are again endeavoring to stii up race prejudice, —this time betweei Americans and Englishmen. Th< Times is backed and run by two 01 three men, not oneof whom ean elaino the manly title of being either ar American or au Englishman. The) are Hawaiian born foreigners, or political il)egitimates! The "existinf iilnc 4 n -in this instance h wasting valuable time; all troe En glishmen and all bona fi,<le Americani residing here have too mueh sonse tc be set by the ears by a £ew foolisl] politicians, who bear the misfortune of having no politicāl nativity excepl by adoption and the courtesy of th€ Hawaiian people. An American by birth and full ol sympathy fot his conntrv, like everj Americ,ui worthy of t!io na&e, th< writer of these lines/ together with every one of his hona Jidc coantrymeE domiciled here, outside of the eew sooalled "Hawaiian-hom Americanst" heartily endorses every English ean didate upon the Natkmal Beform tick et or npon the independent tickei nominated on the islandof Hawaii Both £Qgliahmen and Americans are more liberal-minded than the poiitieai illegitimates back of the Daily Times, who have neither politioal nativity nor even a patriotic reoord in the country of their polUieal adoption.

An Eogii«hptta U aoi !or Ammim $a4 a» Ammewi ls aot aftaid to roi9 lor ljtt Englishttiao. Neither are EngiiBlimdii. aad Aii»er' Leana afraid to jom tfeeit votea ai thia poliiioal criai» agaitast a few Hawai-; ian bom foreigaerg, who hare abeady attemptedto deetroy the independeDce andaatonomy of the Hawaiian kiiigr dom and now deolare themaeives against the joint proteetion of Hawai* ian independenoe by the great powers! As is the bnlk of tbe Amerioan naUon, so mrery We American here is oppoia* ed to the sole protection, or virtual United States. The United Stateg government has declared the same political principle and every Englishman in Hawaii will aid resident botia Jide Americans in prolonging the autonomy of the Hawaiian Government. The only prejudice the (< existing edminietration M organ, the Daily Times, will be likely to raise will be a jnst prejūdice against the ring of political fHegitimates, who have endeavored to sell oat Hawaiian independence and who woald be a? like2y to sell oni either American or English naiional honor, if it would bring money into their pockets—and they had a ehanee to do so 1