Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 25, 7 February 1890 — Election Jottings. [ARTICLE]

Election Jottings.

A. Kosa obtnmed 158 votes from Waialua ūjxā 168 from Koolanloa. Being nnopposect Ms majorityis326. Katihi cftrrietf Ewa aiid Waiaaae over J. L I>owtttitt Jr., by a voty oi 224 to 80. Xbe vpte stood by preciiicts: Ewa, Kauhi, 81; 3Dowsfttt, 4Ī. Waianae, Ka-nhi, 143; I>owsett, 39. 1 The steamer Jas. Makee brings ticlings of tlie 6UcceK.s of the government ticket on Kauai. I A rui»o|r prevails tliat J. Nawahi, J. T. Baker and "Matoon, of Hilo; j. K. Kai;jiamano, of Hai &|k.u i J. K. Hookano of Koliala liave eaniea ilie day. The report oannol be YouclieQ T

■ Attention i» to the artvertiseuient o f Tl. More <feOo., appeārs in this issuo, The finn is w$U au<l favoraWy tor tnrmng out first-claBß worli. Jolm Pliillip% plumb©r, eomea to t'bo front an3 iETites custom;throu3h tlie meelmw of our eolumas. Mr. Plkillip'e reputation &s a first-clas!s workman is a guaraisty of faitliful perfoii m<"£ on hia part of all work'inTiiß line, given U him