Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 27, 10 February 1890 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

j R. MORE & CO., MACHINISTS & BLACKSMITHS. Particular Attemion Paid to Sbip Work. Good at Low Eates Guaraiiteed. *o. 71 HWe SXBti;i, i ' ' ' ;. . ', HONOLULU. - H> , leb7 dtf Bell Telkphone No. 2. p. o. Box No. 423. WALKER & REDWARD, • ! 7 OONTRACĪORS AND BUILDERS. Brick, Stone ia,nd Wooden Buildings. Estiuiates Giveii. Jobbing Promptly Atteuded to. i HONOLULU, - . H . I. . fcbV-dtf JOHN PHILLIPS, i''' ' ; ■ - CAS FITTER, COPPERSMITH, PLUMBER. Particular Attention paid to Tin Boofing and tlie Fitting up of Gas Māohines. uro. n Km» sTREi]r, Near HONOLULU, - - H.I. feb7-dtf W. W. WRIGHT & SON. CENERAL CARR!ACE MAKERS Aim bla( ksmm us, A!1 °rde r 8 j f or Mieel veMsles of eVe f y deseription " fiued wifii jiromptneiis. First-class me- = ~ <miployod. FINE CAHRIAGE WOEK A SPECIALTY. Tram Cars, Omiiibusses, ! Piantatiou Wagons, W w J« a»»!' Ox Made to OiHr, Altered or Repaiffi. Carriage Painting, Tnmming, Etc # Onr lforBe Slioclng, Dcj>ariinent Is under the irianagement of R. Cayford, -vvlio will collect aiul receipt all bills due that brancli of our buaineBS. Signed, | W. W. WRIGHT & SOJl f 7» & 81 STREEi. BEiL TELEPHONE, No. 381. i feb7-dtf