Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 18 April 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


( IT. do not hold OHr*>lrfS re*i>oniihle Jor thf uiUmnei* of our corrfsj>ondfnts.) AN’ OLl) ANNEXATIONIST MAIDOFTHE OLD SCHOOL D01NG SOME DIRTY WORK FOR THE CAUSE. Editor Holomua. Maligners of the Queen and her people are numeroue, and are mostly from the ranks of the 30called “misaionaries.” Women as well ae men are iu the same category, and they eeem to love in vilif)'ing Her M. je«ty amongst her own people. M>>st prominent of the gentler clase from among Ihe eocalled ranke is hii old uiaid, born of that stock on Hawaiian eoil, who is the habit of making house to houae visitationa among ber §ex of the native elaea. This old inaid is aupposed to be d ung real go>)d Christiau work iu their mid8t, but the truth of the matler is. beside3 beiog a member of ihe so-called runke, in»tead of really doing work. ehe is carrying “slander aad perversion” whcrever ehe goes and aiuong thoee sh« visits. She is fond <>f wagging her dastard!y tongue wbeneyer it suita her craukv whim, and whenever ehe gets a ehanee of receiving a heurmg from whoever will listen to ber v:le and malignant talesand diatnbes agiinst their Queen. During some of these vi?ite ehe has be«n very abueive and slanderoua in her remarks towards her sovereign and mine. remarks that she cannot substantiate in any civil or eccleeiasticai court. For pruofs. ahe hae none. but resorta to vile and filthy epithets unbecoming in one who lauda and paradea her Christianity. and of her euperior(?) kn<»wledge and enlightenment. She has be«n an educator of morals among Hawaiian giris, and now she is going among aome of thoee eame girle. wh>> have since heeome mothers. 8owiug her ▼ile 9ayings ainong3t them in order to estrange them fr>»m their feeiings of loyaity 10 lhat of di«loyally towarde theīr Queen. Instead of her becoming a prominent factor in thia dirty huaineaa of th* annexaUoni8t8. I must here eay that »he haa utterly failed in ber strenuoua effort». Now, after having heen an educator, »he now re»orla to the art of the devil iu malig|ing another woman, ber saperiur and Queeo, in tbe moet vile laoguage tbat ehe eau think of to lay her tongue to. She indiscriminateiy raota, ahuaee, ■landen, maligna and ▼ilifiea, fbr she aeema to be uttoriy devoid of all self-re*pect aa a woman. Failing in har own self-respect. I here-

with charge thsl “ :t‘< her owa filtbv minii that ha* inventeti •aeh vi> af:ff f* J p*?t ti j■eeof : er own 9ei with'*ul “ i >1 an»i 9uffii*ient’' prm»f iv*in g tir j t h I This per*»>n of tue leininine >re::der had bctter de j :r :u re* 9ortinsr losuch disgracel il meth oi' *preading "c.tlaiimv and depravity ’’ up>»n other« as w«»I uj*on her ownseif. No oi.e ean aUaeh anv hlame 10 any native mother from ruthietv’.v turnin/ her out of d<x>r. a> d I would here advise them iu th< fut ire lo do - , aud in9lruci her a* t< her i>roper *phere io life. F<>r her own speeial peraonal edification, I n w w .ui.l »u,d-Ttate to do as Mr. L'. \\*. Aahf rd did m the late memoruble Lejii«»aUve Ai-?embir, i. e., quole ■'.r ; t<:re. followa: “ A f«<>!Ī9h bo:iu »'■■< eiamomu»; ihe i' «imple, an<l ;r. wolii :. >t .« ing. v Pr >verbs, 9:13. “An hypocrite with hU mouth deatn>yeth his r.*;c;.b<>ur but throut;n *nowledge -hail the ju«l be delivered.” Ibid, 11:9. “There is that speaketb like the j piercings of a aword : but the lougue of the wiae i,- heallh. The lip of lruth ahall be e?tabliahed f><r ever: but a lymg tongue i- bu i r a momeul.” Ib„ I2:lS-9. “ Whoee diggeth a pit ahall fa!I therein; aud he lUal rolleth a stone, it will return upon him. A lving tongue hateth tho*e thntarf atHicted bv it; and a tlittering raouth worketh ruin.” Ihid, 26:27-8. I will now leave her, Mr. Edit<>r, lo her fate, and aubs<‘rii>e ravaelf aa a Hawaiian Moīuee. I *