Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 27, 1 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Th* AUmwla bring» very Uttie of mter«t in reg«rd Ui H«w«lian matter*. Privat« advic«« from \Va»bington i««forn)inK ua that the poaiiion aa Atnerican miniet*r to Hawaii haa hoen offer«d to Mr. Crittenden the U. S. Con»ul-G«n* at tbe cily of Mexico. . The gtat« lUparlment ia not oonfirnv ing or deny\ng thia. hut it ia under* «tood that if it ia the eaae Con»ulGeo«rai Crittee<ieo ia not exf»ci«i to aeeepl th« offer. Ther« ae*ma to be a deaire on the p*»rt of ihe Preeident to per»uade Mr. i>lount io rem«in at hi» po»t onlil tbe |ituation i» Haraii b*a heeu fiaal-

| ly se«led where»ft«r tb« mieeion 1 to Rus«ia or some otber large mieeion will b« off«*r»*d to tb« minist«r or the administration wili | as«iet bim in being elecled governor of G««rgia an office for whieh he is considtred extreroely fitled.