Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 256, 5 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Ae usual the Star. whieh is even cbaracteriaed bv the f«>reign c«>rrespondent8 here favorab!e to its v ; ew8 as the radical organ of the P. G. crowd, pr»Keeds to carry out the beuest8 and indinations >>f the defamatory ami mendacious S. E. Pishon class, and insinuate to f»reigu readers, if it haa any,that the lit»aud fi!th of J. L. Stevens are true Yet even it, c«>nfn>nted as it uaf been by tbe general etorrn of reprobation in the Americ*n press at this blackguardly lying againsta woman,and the firsl lady in the land now merely says: e are not eoncerned to prove theae statement8. aulliee it to aay lhat everyb«xly believes them. (That is to say everybody who is lecherous and prurient enuugh to exemplify our Saviour‘s etatement that ‘He who cast8 hii eye upon a woman, has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”) And now it merely characterizes them as *‘her suspected lapses from proprietv.” What more damning evidenoe coold bo given of the diabolicaI und lalaeioua in9tinct« of theae men than the fact that afler endeavoring to inAuenee the people of the U. S. into a feeling of abhorrence ag?.inst the Queen as being ahamele99ly and openly immoral in her life and habits they now have to confesi that their own ,l evil and hdulteroub” imagination» merely ‘*8U«pected” her of impropriety. God knowa we war not on women—or on men eitber for that raatter in aueh thing9—but should we publieh what ean be §upported by affidavits of independent witne99es the very heaven9 wou!d fall on the prime before the puhlie in this loathsome and putrid ma#a of untrutb8 whieh the mi9«ionary party—to endeavor lo secure annexation—have beaped up againat Her Majeaty Queen Lilinokaiani.