Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 258, 10 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The vile indecency whieh the editor of the P. C. A. comraitted by printing a report of the Maui races under tbe neading Queen Lil. vi8its Kahului 8houId not go unnoticed. The cur who wrote the idiotic stuff īb beneath notice, but the editor who pnnted it under the heading comfH»sed by him8elf, should be stamt»ed as ungentlemanly and unworthy of being called a decent journalist. When we further on remember that Mr. Johnstone i§ married to a native woman of a family whieh bas alwaya been on the very friendliest terras with Her M»jesty the insult becoraes stiil more glaring and the indecency atill more pronounced. If the Advertiser’a patronag« ia of a kind whieh ean enjoy an insult of a woman they muat be aboot as low as is the editor and tone of the paper whieh they aupport —and tbat will aay a great deal.