Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 275, 3 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

And now the Jup«nese lab»r qucs*ion has «risen in another form, sud the pluntrrs are thrcatcncd will. a lolal lwF3 <<f ail furtlier suply : tli;it 4 , ;f. d ;;Ccordii)g t>' r , rl,tlu \ w : s!)t.> l» gin Ihe old K 1 o J .!; I C.11 sē, '1' ;.. . l’. p.irtof I llie p1»nters, s .j}< it. d (;*s report- ) by l're«id**nt L).ile iu liie 10x>c | Ut:v Ooi.neil, wili. t * d ib(, e (ii- * iMiid itarff eli ( 1 * ■ i 1 ’ n- i ie? r», «r.d i> : C >ast | Wbo f.v«>r aiinexation, aod dei«ny |t>ve Chinr8ft elieap !»b"r. Liow tl.t‘8e gtnUemen, who j>rofes8 to ♦ia.ve tlio c;ui80 of annexation at Lu rt, ean advocate, or even look favortbly on such a step with a know!cdgo of tlie policy of the U.S. in reg»rd to the Chinese labor, is Oi.e of tho»e myst>-rie8 whieh we Only j»ret)5iid to comprehendon the |iriuciple of “touch our pockets,aiid you loueh our )ntellects snd souIs.” ¥et b'.fore we pr.x:t*ed to give our uubi:>ssed opinion of such views and -elioua, we dcsirea little fuller explon«tion frora the genllemen of lbe l*]«nlers’ Labor and Supply Associ»tion and tiieir colle»gues of ihe l’. O. Counols as to whether ibey don*t Ihink they ratber would l;>ke a moni.rchy wilh planialion labor (han anneX!t! »n without it.