Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 275, 3 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

O.nk of tiie chief arguments ns .1 by tiie annexation organs to t’>> Kawaiianp t<> i >in their 1 ! j i y h»s been tbe st t<^ ! <mt t’ t •i • W0llld by :iug t •: A rcio i’ t /,-*i.s, g've tiiem g :i c..sun . f indt pendence th«n l' v !iV’,‘ ever had li<-reto(ore. \et 'in fic>* <’f tliis the Advisory «nd Executive Councils dec.ded to ignore the restoration of Hawaiiun independence by the 13ritiah Government lhrough Admiral Thomas, by refusiiig to umelaim the anniversary uf that d«y a puhiie holiday as haa bee:i the custom of the couotry f>r half-a-ceutury past,and the urgans, like the obedient pups they ure, follow suit iu ihe insult to the Hawaiian naiiou. by declaring the day a ‘*back number.” Ni-ver to any raan,of whatever raoe nr nationality. ean tlie eeii lir.it!;m uf tbe anniveiSury of liis iiatioti«I indepe;.dence be a “b ick ium,h"r.’' No j uialter what tlie f.ilure may bnng, t’. ;•< 8l«>r. . f t»i• !r ualional !i■ • T•• emleiiee will, on its re<5urring l anniversary. always bring to the j iiawauan a warra glow of aloha in , f r ihe fact, that onee he < /i>r>-S'd. but w;.s under Diviue I*r .v.dence freed from that opj.rts8.on, and plactd ouee more ia the plaee amougst the nations to whieh hie forefathers had obtaiued for hinū. The organeUes m«y sneer and revile ut nalional patriotism in the breasts of those of otber nationalities than the one they misrepresent, but tbey ean never er»se that senl!ment, compounded of the most manly and divine instincts in the human race. frora the bosom of the Hawaiian, whether he be eompelled by force to sink hia identity in the »ggregation whieh is styled the United States of Araerica,or wbether by tbe aenae of houor and jus* tice uf lhat grc»t nalion, he is restored onee mure to lhat position of independence and self respect, from whieh a handful of foreigners have toru him, to satiefy the»r ptcuniary grced.