Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 32, 5 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The Kalalau affair haa created ■ueh a etorm of indignation m tht« ( c<>inmunity tbat nobody aeem« tu have been willing to take tbe responsibiiity for tbe uowarranted and disaatroua affair. Three gen- ; Uemeo. who apparently are member« of the Board of Healtb now app«ar with a card in tbe two annezation organ« and elaim to be juat a§ reeponsiblr ss W. O. Smith and the other members of tbe Board. Mr. J. O. Carter ha« gone to the trouble to “sit” on W. O. i Sroith, and hae given tbe only satisfactory and plausible ezp!anation of the matter while Mr. Smith has czpressed bis astoni«hment at Mr. Carter’e views. We are not going to re-opeo the Kaiaiau affair in our { paper. We have treated it in an ezhaustive manner in former isauea, and we did.aud they now unhesitatingly throw the hlame for the whole affair—not on W. O. Smith as Preeident of the Board of Healtb, but on W. O. Sraitb as Attorney • General. The three gentlemen—Messrs. Andrews, Day, and Ena—who are coming k» tbe ;*escue of the AttorneyGeneral are so unfamiliar witb the buainess of the goverumtnt that they evidently do not realise that it is through his dual capacity as President of the Board of Heallh and Attorney-General. that W. 0. Smith hae succeeded in making a mesa of the business and placing himself in such a very unenviable noailion. We are not acquainted with Meun. Audrews and Day, in faet we were not aware that tbose two gentlemen existed, leave alone were memhen of tbo Board of Health, but we do know Mr. John Rna and his ezperience as an exmember of the Legislature and a member of the Adviaory CouuciI ought to have been sufficient for him to know that the Board of Health per « cannot «udertake a mea«ure like the removal of the lepen from Kalaiau without the aaneiion and co-operation of the Attorney-GeneraI. In a former ia sue we called the *ttention to the fact tbat, under the Wilcoz administration, the oropoeition was made to remove the lepen from Kalalau and was rejected by the Board ot HeaUh of whieh Mr. J.O. Carter waa a member. The positior ofthe Board wns laid before the At-toroey-G«ner&I, Cecil Brown, who sustained it, and on behalf of his department adopted the eame > attitude. Mr. Carter bas not ohanged hie poeiiion ainee then, and we irt sure th«t both tbe great *‘«ealer” Mr. Ena aud the two unknown individual» »re «uffering under a miaapprehension when they try to tangle Mr. Carter iuto responsibility for ihe »candal whieh they and the leaned Attor-ney-GeneraI have caused through their inexperience and raahnees. It ii no um for the AttorneyOeaenl to lry to ehirk the napon«ibUity for the blund«r. In the firct plaoe. he haa no hoaineea to hold tbe two poeitions wilh whieh he is bordened. He isn’t fit to hold eitber of Ihem «ngly, le«re alone both. There ki hatd!y a case in court where be ought to proeeeate but he haa to hiie outaide attorneys, aod «e expect to aee aome needy lawyer altend to «II ihe proeecotions in the August tens. But aa be la Attoroey-Gen-cral he ahooM have adrised the 1 Banrd of Uealih thnt tbe nUempi to romnve the lepen frem Knlnlau «no nn onwiM atep, nod his de-

! oet wcrry over tbe reeponsibility fnr the Knlalau affair. Preaidcat W. O. 8mitb aod tbc Board. (inc!udioc “Alexander" Eoa) «taods acquitted. whUe in puhiie opinion. 1 Attoroev-G«oeralSaiitbataiidacnn-v»cted fbr every fau!t coouected with the matter. Tbe most pegrett«ble feature m the matter a* far aa the Board of Healtb ia ooncernd is th« res>gnation />f Mr. J. O. Carter. He «u tbe only member of tbe Board ia wbom tbe people. aod more especially ihe Hawaiiaua. bave any coofidence. His honesty and «incerity, and well-known «ympathy, and feeiirg of aloha fur the Hawaiiaos, raade him tbe moet valned member whieh the Board bad, and it ia disastrous to «ee bim resign, aud replaced by a malihini, who, however re«peciable be may be in hia little sphere of life, is unknown totbeHawaiians, and inexperienced in the work and purpoees of that moet important branch of the govemmenl —the pnhlie heallh. - - - -