Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 33, 12 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The Oeeanie and the Australia whieh bolh arrive Aug. 8, bring the lenor of tbe treaty whieh the P.G. eent to by the handa of Prof**esur Alexander. It is cbaracteristic of Mr. DoIe and hie eonfreres that such a treaty was kej t secret here sx> us lo avoid debate on ita meritB, but that it nevertbe!e*-8 waa given to a corr**8jx>ndent htre U> the Amenean paj)er8. But when we read lbe tenor of that absurd ducument, we d<> not feel eurprie*d any longer over that uneuleemanhke am! indecent act on behalf of the g<>vermnent. A unauiiu<>us cry of pmleel would bave »risen from Hawaii to Ni hau agiiusta governinent whieh bad the unraitigated eheek to pre*ent eueh a pro{K>8ition to the United State8 nf Auierica. It ie a whining cry f<>r jirotcction, by ceding the »overeignty of llawaii for the pur}>ose of allowing Do!c and his self-con-Bt'.tuted advi»era lo keep in power againet the will of the people for five iong and weary yeare. The United Statcs are requested to guarantee them immunity for the outrage whieh had beeu committed in the name of the Unitcd States, by tbe aBsi8tance of a echeming repre9entative »»f that great nat»ou. The Unit«d States are «8ked to pay and guarantee the debte of the couutry whieh would be extremely annoyingand fatal if left to bej>aid by the |iroviaional government itself. Tbe United States are promised tbat no more Ohineee will be imported nor will Ohiueee now here be al1 >wed to enter the Statee (we gue8« ihe States will lake care of tbut th“a.eelve»), but no( a tcord u taid ab<*vt a eonlinueā importation of Japaneff eontract laborert . a meneure alreody adopted by tho preee«t goverument to the tune of abut»t S,000'recenlly ehipped to Uiie port. Andatreaty liketh;sha8 thiseo eall ed provieional guvernment eent eecretly aud unautbonied out *.f the oouatry to j»revenl the worda of proteet frotn the Hawaiian people reaching tbe eurs of the liberty loving, et lf guveroment defeudmg Ameriouu nation. Doce Mr. Do!« acd tbe men aeeociated wiih him realty believe ihal the United Sutee would Heten to eueh au infatnoue. aaeh an unholy proooeition of for five years deprivi;>g a people ueed to the exero»ee of the francbi9t> of th« right to vote and thc Vtght to have a voioe ie th« governiog cf their country. li ie (he groeee«t ioaull to every free bra and hooeei Ameiiean, to ioaiauale tfcat f<>r one momeni sucb a tresly would be tol«r«led by any Amerioan—irreepict ive of poliiieal puty. To propoe« to the L uit d SUt*« tbat tuey abould try to force down Uw U ivaW of lfc« Uawaūani fur five ye*r». a govemment placrd ia pow«r by An.tr o:ir. b*yooeia, aad lo b« held ;o power by Atuerioao b*vooeU, is tb« mo«t a«tounding piaoe of impndenc« y«t «xfcibit«d by tbe alieged Amwiean» 10 ■^IUwaH. 1

■—- * tmtj »nd Mm*r- ; t a «ill fae pr'ipf#«i. Tfaat fu.l ( seif g ’Terniiieat wili he grmnlrd to Hawaii and tb*t tbc U.S. of Amer- i ,ca will dec. ; d» whal form of govermnent it sbal! be after a vote h*r been t«kea atziorg the Htwaii- ; i «0$ —abowing bf jrond a d >nbt the ’ wili cf that oeopie. Tfac iiwtv wīll be a corctDerciai tre»ty le*Ttng H«w«ii ae an iodependent fuTfrfigtjU nnder & virtual jjt°" ieelonie «if US. And Ihal tre»ty will be rutib<rd in Hiwaii oniy by a g >vernn&erit at the , bal!ot box by tbe vote of tbe people. ■ We have re»aoti9 to beltere tbat ! our it.f rmanta are correct and we unbeaitatiogiy and gladly adopt the proposition. Wfa»t tbe reaalt of aoeh a atep will be everyone hrre fully recogniae8. We are 8orry for Mr. Dole losing h:s five year job—but yel we consider Mr. Paul N**u«jiann the longeat-headed man in this commcnitv.