Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 33, 12 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Lv this Advfrtiser appears an aeeounl of ao arrest of j some gimb!ing Ohinamen, who were canght in the 9ervants’ quar* ters of Mr. C. M’. Aahford. The news-item i.a presented to the publie by that e >ntemptible nheet under the headir.g ‘‘Looka very bad.” That the Adv>rli9er, under ita present edilor is going deeper and deeper, and more rapidiy down in* lo the gutter. mnst have been obvious to all of iia readere, but we i beiieve that the climax has been reached, when an every day occur anee is presented with an inainualion that the o8Vnse epoken a'oout was commilted with thesanction or at least knowlcge of a prominent fellow eiliien. who, a!though he aas ihe m;sfortune (?) to differ poliiieally frjm ihe Advt rtiser, at i !east bolds the rtspect of the eommunity at large. Gambling Cbi- i namen, c.ffeuding the laws of our country have heen repeat*d!y caught in tbe premisea of Mr.D-»le, Mr. \Vilder and otbere of the im- j maculate defendere of virtue and patriotism, but no insinuations were ever indulged in tbat lbe of- I feuaes—from l«rcenj to opium smoking, and gamb!ing—were perpetrated und-r tbe silent pmttcU»rate of the reapective buaaea fur whom tbe ainnen workvd aa oooka, oryardmen. Thao whjr ahouid the dirtjr woold-be-oSoial organ lake

tbe liberty with Mr.A«hford’s name . whieh it haa dooem thia morning’s i i«u«. Even tbe Cbineee eoaeh- : rato of lhat liUle demi gtxi. the 9ilvwr-plate-receiving (whenbegete itl Stevens had a Chinese erop!oyi?e | wbo g<>t caught bolh in t e act of gambling and carry:Dg a cmce*led weapon, but althougfa tbe 8«bseqaent »ctioa in ihe matter of the old diplom»t (G >d save Ihe mirk!) would have jinstine<i any iiisiuualion »giin?t him as connabiuting with his offvnding eoaehmao. no one w»s ewrviie enough V» indn!ge i?n or publish such insinuution. Such ani.idecent proceeding t>> wacds a polilieal opp*>nent was left ; for the hulf-baked pollulion, who, a? i au editor al pre«ent, di?graces the ■ the proprifct»>rs and supporters «>f tbe P. C. Advertiser.