Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 285, 16 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The followingclippingfrom tbe Minneapoli» Tribune indicates tbat Hawaii has succeeded in posing before tbe eyes of tbe \vorld as a most turbulent and revolutionary conntry. To judge frora tbe reraarks in tbe quoted paper, our alleged revolutionary tendencies are not considered an iuduceraeut for tbe purpose of accomplisbing annexatiou. The correspoudents of the annexation club to the foreign papers are maiuly to blame for tbe very undesirable iinpression whieh Hawaii to-day presents. Tbe governraent whieh patronizes and snpports tbese naligners and falsifiers is probably even raore guilty and on it will fall the responsibility whieh, some day, tbe people of Hawaii will deraand: High Old Times in Hawvii. 'ki uiēs khev 'i6 b<»viug uVcf m Uawaii. instead of calraing tbe royalists and causing tbe annesationists to accept tbeir lot wi t h resignation, Paramount Blount s presence seems to have excited both parties to desperation. To-dHy’s dispatches tell of a conspiracy to overthrow the Provisional Government, a plot to blow up tbe government building and sboot Uown the annexatiooists when they rush to the scene to see what the noise is about, a conspiracy to assassinate Spreckels and Blouut, Ihe org.»nization of a band of annexationists whose program is to shoot down any royalists, who may happen to be out of doors when an open rupture occnrs. Cians Spreckels found on bis door the otber day, a note em-

bellisbed with a skall an-l cr« I bonos, tbe hunlen of the m ,1 l*eing th 1 1 Oolil canr. t , | le;ul.’’ AU in ull the - : I mfcy be descnbe«l «> fe\ -. | vrith indications of hem rr AVe onght to aunex th - ,1 nn«ls at onee. We n >e«l j;> | s«'rt of a ooraraunit\ t« >• • , 9 the sisterhoo«l >'f stat >> . 1 the sisters awake. If w 1 |Hiw.iii on our bands, oar ,1 navv woohl be of some sorv » I When it was not busv ,l-fr •, 1 . 3 onr t;tie to the is an«ls, it e J liml protit;»blo emplovm> ,t : I blowing thera ont of t!ie w o • 1 for the iuaiutenance of pe i, 3 order atuong the inbabitar.u I When we annex Hawaii, *. I should also t:ike iu Hayt , Cu!n 1 and « few of tho Ceutral Araer. 1 e m st,itos.