Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 36, 2 September 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

, — AMI nnn we hite ihe uj»i«I «evkiy fin*ncijil sU»emenl bffoir «*ur em «riih ;U u»u»l reu.ark»ble halauoe m de « f b.>rr"w**d inoney. c<>« fi50tcd Cr»*wn L«»d9 revenuw. «i.d tnoney *nr*J by not |**ying j«i»t j»i»«1 do«- dvbl9. In pres**i«ting tht «t«t<rnient it «j*i«eani th«t Miu ifl*r I>»in n m. de ■ ie* reaiarke o»nc*-r ing ihe fin«nce« whieh fho.»s th «l ihe cr;t-cisin of hisg«>vermneiit'fi fii»*nci«l conditi«»n by the Hullelin has «nooyed hiiu l»» «ome exlenU H«»wever like a eenei b!e ma i in?tead of d.»mning tbe newi»pjipere, he g f *e» tn *<»rk ai>d eiplain? <«r cn«teav..rfi U> ex|«lain a«a\ th<* Bnlletin’sonnclu*«»li*. In doing thh* ? boirever he simply («hiie charging ihe Hulielin wilh ihe smie off- nee) showg bifi ikill in manii»ulating figures *nd facts. Fmding that he could not refute the stalement thal Ihe F. G. had overrun the <MDfitable in their exj»ei.d;lurts while Iefisening their ineome. he proceedfi todotne usual coi*j. ring hssh « f the expert ae«nuiitant and exi»lains that U» fihow wh«t the P G. hsfi done, it is ne-ce«-.rv to tack on siai fn*nths of the mon«rchy to them and then compare this brmdle<l hybrid l»r .luction wilh n previous> twelve noonthfi of all monarchical finance. Bv thi* wonderfuI process be pr«*ve* that the P. G. Hnaneee are, h«v«* l>e*Mi. and will l>e, in a most tl >urifihing condition in every wny v»stly suj>eri«»r to an effete monarchyV pur8e-etrings. Now if thifi is nol jnggling with figures, we we ild like t > know what it is. One half monnrchy, one hali P. G., makes the result so satisfjCtory t«> Mr. 1 lamon thntheatonce holds out the miraculous hermaphn»dite ns nl'-olule j>r<»«)f that the P. G. have had the most eeonomieal ndminislralion the oountry has ever known. lt is siispiciousIy Hke Planter’s montbly l>oml editorial in the Advertiser the other dav—one half whiskey and one half ginger-ale. Hut what rifihness, what expert skill, do we seein the finaneinl feat. The P. G. are accused of extnvHg;ince. and sj»ending more ihan their ineome dunng tbeir seven inonlhs of existence, and f.<rthwith >'r. D«mon steps into the aie ( and s;iys: Gentlemen, we p*' o.-ed of being #xtrav8gant, and s ending more than we have r*v-iv*d. Now, I’ll show you that is n*»t |»«-8ible, l>ecause if you take the las« six inonlhe of the monarchy aud its savinga, and put it to our t<»tal, you will see, that we havc then f>r the whoie year made hii ininiena® saving. lt is true our «ix montl)8 h.ive spent nearly all thnt saving, hul you look rl tlie whole vear. D >n’t lo«>k st our six monlhe. Geutleinen, everylhing is love!y, aml the g >«>se hangs high. Then r rr: The Bulletin and othcr R»va!ist newsj>;»j>er8 ought to be in the g<>ose’s j*osition. Now, this is really very serioiiB for a gentleman in Mr. Damon’s poeilion to throw dust in the eyes of the puhlie and his colleague8 of thecounc!ls in this way. When you consider that all expenditure on r«v>ds. bridge». wharves, waterworks. harbor dredgmg.the surveying departmeot. and in Lct, tverythmg of puhlie utility, hnd U> be stopj>ed f«»r want of money. That every work authorired by the lawf,,l legis!ature of the conntry has had to be poetponed to allow for thc payment of the miliU*ry. That the revenue* of the cr«>wu lands were c<»nfiscited to ewell the reeei pls a nd t» t ide over financial bankruptcv. That money has heoo lx>rrowrd, and the country’8 deht swelled to that extent. That bil!e are not t>aid when due. Again,wlien we consider nll theee thicgs it scems to us somewhat reroarkab!e that tne alleged halanee isn’t mueh Iarger than it is said to be. But il wiil take more than Mr. Daraon’§ bare assertion to make people believe tnat theee modefi of furcing a halanoe are eilhei correct or ficuud fin«ncial poiicy. or that they are of anv beuefit U> the oountry. A pohcy whieh spend8 H7.0U0 a uuuUi ia uuUWr/ $4pai«B l KD

—■ — 1 *och i w»y tb»t it beocfite pw|)-* I 1 abro»d. but not at home, *nd whieh U!k> about «penditf » p.«ib!e _ 110.000 • monlh «>n o*efol publx ' | wnrke, whil* ■ctaalljr eroploring i convict Ubor to tbe exc!u*ioo of free mcch»nic*, «nd wh»ch ro»ke« 1 ils halanee look l»rge by le»ving | ite debt« anp»id. and gae» on p»J* ' ing h<»rj intere«t on long or*rdue • oote« is not oalcc!ated U> ro«ke the ‘ people of thi» oountrv heliere the j fin»nop*»r*in » »ound o«>ndition X**! Y-ni will h«re lo do eome thing r**al »od pmelieal, Mr. D»* ro«>n. and n<»t merely t»lk »ud ming!e fignre* «ith » pr*ctieed tiand, if yi*ii wiah pe*>i>!e t» beliere the o»imtrv i» not being e»trav »g.mtly an«l f»»oIi»bly »dro>nUtered